Graphic Skins for Trucks?


New member
See lots of new graphics that are really cool for sleds and was thinking it would be a good idea for a truck. I just picked up a Kenworth T800 in CO for the company that I work for that needs something to break up the hood. The skins would be a great idea because of how quick you could apply them and change in the future. Did a few google searches and didn't come up with anything. Anybody out there seen any? Might be an idea for graphics people.
Think Snow!


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ill marty

New member
I manage a body shop here in Illinois , We use a company called sticker dude. Givem a call sure they can ship to ya. google them.


New member
Awesome... Knew there had to be someone out there that did it. Tow Truck looks sweet. This truck is just so white, polished aluminum, and black that it needs something to break it up a little.
Think Snow! -Dave


New member
Wow lots out there. Thanks for the help everyone. Sent some messages.
Thinking the groomer is going to need some skinz now too!
Think Snow! -Dave