Groomer support and respect


New member
Hey everyone.

I keep reading all these threads and almost everyone. There is someone or couple people writing how bad a groomer driver is doing, or fire that groomer or just total disrespectful to people the volunteer all the free time they have. Each and every groomer operator deserve 100% respect for what they do for all of us. I have ran a groomer many times and still do. You don't just sit back and make magic happen. You are 100% putting heart into that trail to make someone's day.

Let's see how many people respect and support our groomers. Reply respect and show all those a holes what it mean to respect our groomer drivers.


My brother is a groomer and spends many nights in the tractor, only to go back to work the next day while his time at work is less than peak and family time is reduced. Overall, I agree - these guys are attempting to make magic happen for the rest of us.


New member
Hey everyone.

I keep reading all these threads and almost everyone. There is someone or couple people writing how bad a groomer driver is doing, or fire that groomer or just total disrespectful to people the volunteer all the free time they have. Each and every groomer operator deserve 100% respect for what they do for all of us. I have ran a groomer many times and still do. You don't just sit back and make magic happen. You are 100% putting heart into that trail to make someone's day.

Let's see how many people respect and support our groomers. Reply respect and show all those a holes what it mean to respect our groomer drivers.

I agree 100%! It also does not hurt to wave at them as they go by. I know I always get excited when I see them because I know I'm going to have good trails to ride on.


New member
I've never met a fellow driver who wasn't doing his best. Most of us WISH we could perform magic but we can't. I could go on and on but will stop now and say "thank you for posting this!"


I have always respected and appreciated the groomers. I learned to appreciate them even more once I found out that they are volunteers.
I always use caution when approaching, wait for a signal to pass. Keep the gas to a minimum on the fresh ribbon, and give them big thumbs up when passing around them.
Any A-hole that complains about a groomer should stick to riding their buddies farm and stay off the trails.


Well-known member
where are all these threads you're reading regarding disrespecting groomers?
Haven't read one this year, compared to years past its been very quiet.
I would chalk that up to the lack of snow...

Hey everyone.

I keep reading all these threads and almost everyone. There is someone or couple people writing how bad a groomer driver is doing, or fire that groomer or just total disrespectful to people the volunteer all the free time they have. Each and every groomer operator deserve 100% respect for what they do for all of us. I have ran a groomer many times and still do. You don't just sit back and make magic happen. You are 100% putting heart into that trail to make someone's day.

Let's see how many people respect and support our groomers. Reply respect and show all those a holes what it mean to respect our groomer drivers.


Well-known member
where are all these threads you're reading regarding disrespecting groomers?
Haven't read one this year, compared to years past its been very quiet.
I would chalk that up to the lack of snow...

I was thinking the same thing. Most of us do respect the drivers and haven't seen any bashing this year.


New member
Here is one from venturenorth below.

"Wed 6pm........If you find the Mercer trail boss, please wake him up........or fire him"

There is other ones as well. Yes it's been pretty good and there is a lot of us that show respect. dfattack and timo you are great examples and thank you to all of the rest. I'm part of a few clubs and they get e-mails from people saying how poorly of a job they are doing on their trails. I don't like to hear that. Clubs don't get a bunch of emails saying wow great job. (Yes a few) They get the harsh ones mostly. Clubs this year are having a **** of a time with all the tree fall and warm temps not freezing the low lands. They are doing everything they can.

I just wanted to make sure they are getting the respect. Pretty hard to fire a volunteer that's doing the best they can.

Hats off to all the ones that give the respect. You guys are great people and honored to share the trail with ya.

Ride on and enjoy the sport we all love!

- - - Updated - - -

Sorry you felt I was saying no one respects them. I know there is a lot that do and that's why I figured I would start the thumbs up to show the respect.


Well-known member
the majority of us do respect them and we should. I personally know Venturenorth and while I don't know the context of his quoted statement or when it was, I do know that he is a respectful person and does appreciate the hard work the groomer operators do. I rode with him two weeks ago along with whitedust.

One of my friends and his father runs the groomer for the Tri-County snowmobile club (Iron Mountain) and I know first hand how many after hours it means...away from their families.

I'm in the food service industry and know first hand you will hear 10 complaints for every 1 compliment. I agree with you we should be voicing our support more!



Well-known member
Venturenorth is a good guy but does get fustarted when he rides crap trails and he does know good from bad. Sometimes anger gets misplaced when grooming does not get addressed in a few days. Trails are routed to get groomed when scheduled but also understand fustration when crap trails stay crap for 2-3 days in a row. Break downs scheduling all part of the grooming world.... I get it & appreciate all grooming efforts we would not be riding at all without groomers. For me take the good with the bad really don't like freshly groomed trails like a few bumps & texture. Venturenorth easy going guy probably just venting but have not seen his thread yet either.


New member
Mercer had had various issues since I first started going there in 1985. They do have some trails though (though lowland swampy areas) that aren't the greatest even in the best of years.


Active member
Some things I have noticed... Nothing but people being helpful and nice.
Even stopping to pull sticks out of the drag. Picking up crap in the trail because they see you are stopping to do it your self. When out there in person people are really nice and helpful.
Then they get on to the internet where they feel like they can say any thing.... People some times just love to complain. Some thing about being behind your computer makes people much more brave about complaining I guess.


New member
Some things I have noticed... Nothing but people being helpful and nice.
Even stopping to pull sticks out of the drag. Picking up crap in the trail because they see you are stopping to do it your self. When out there in person people are really nice and helpful.
Then they get on to the internet where they feel like they can say any thing.... People some times just love to complain. Some thing about being behind your computer makes people much more brave about complaining I guess.

Can't tell you how many times I stopped the other evening throwing rocks or branches aside. It takes a sledder a few seconds to do it.

"Keyboard heroes" or "keyboard experts" is what I call 'em snocrazy. Internet is full of them.


New member
It seems that I post this each year, but it's worth repeating. As part of my trip prep (it's even on my list), I take about 5-6 envelopes, write "Thanks for what you do" on them and insert a $20 bill in each. When I meet or pass a groomer on the trail, I stop by the tractor door and wait for the operator to open it. I simply reach in my pocket and hand them an envelope along with the appropriate appreciative words. We all know the pure joy of riding a rough trail and then meeting a groomer. It makes the whole experience different and is the best time to show appreciation.

Happy Trails Everyone, Glenn


Well-known member
I will possible take some heat for this but I can take it, so here goes. I have all the respect in the world for the groomers and club members and what they do but sometimes they like all people in this world do need to hear when there are problems or things will never get fixed. I do not ride in the munising area but over the years on this sight people would complain a lot and in the last year or so they made major changes to who grooms and other things and I don't read about people complaining now and read about how good it is now. People have the right to an opinion and might be able to word it with a little more respect but sometimes people need to here the bad also, or should we just keep quiet and let an area stay bad. Usually if an area is bad that normally isn't someone will chime in and explain why and is usually all it takes to get the complaining to stop(i.e. something like groomer down or swamps are not froze up yet.) it's when you ride from one club area that is great into one that is not to another that is good again you have to wonder why? And sometimes it is not mother natures fault and actually the club not getting it done. I am not speaking for anyone but myself right now and like I said in the beginning I do respect the work done but sometimes some lack more than others.


The criticism will become progressively worse with consistently poor conditions, now that we've been "shook down" an additional $30 a year to fund their "efforts". Fact of life. You used money as the limiting factor, so now prove it. Just keeping it real as I SMH.
please see my explanation on next post , "heading to mercer", and agree with goofy above on thoughts, just trying to get some answers, maybe a change for the better, not re-write the Bible.....I will bring extra Hershey Bars to Mercer, next trip.....


New member
The criticism will become progressively worse with consistently poor conditions, now that we've been "shook down" an additional $30 a year to fund their "efforts". Fact of life. You used money as the limiting factor, so now prove it. Just keeping it real as I SMH.

Clubs are still operating on the, old funding system. Benefits from the quote "shook down" dollars will not be realized until the winter of 16-17.


New member
I just heard a great one. The ones that complain are the ones the should stay indoors. The reason they can't stay inside. Is because they can't handle the rest of us enjoying the sport we love.

That's pretty good Marc. Keep wrenching on the groomer. Thanks for your great outlook on life, sacrifices u make and hard work.


Active member
We now have a Rider Trail report system set up for the Munising - Alger County Trails.....

We now have a phone number that you can call and leave a voice mail or send sms text messages to for reporting trail conditions. There is also an email address. We appreciate all feedback. Our club grooms the following trails.

Trail 8 (Forest Lake Rd. West) to (Shingleton M28 East)

Trail 422 Castle Trail

Trail 419 (Trail 8 and 419 in Wetmore and thru Munising to Christmas)

Trail 7 (South to 440 from 8)

Trail 7 (Trail 8 North to Christmas)

Report Trail Conditions

(989) 341-4401 -