Guess who's coming!??!??


Well-known member
Nice find Skylar! It would be nice if these tunes could conjure up the snow gods to act a tad quicker. I like roller coasters, but this ride is beginning to make me sick. Another round of mild temps!??! C'mon man, really!?!? I've developed the thousand meter stare from looking at so many long range outlooks, I think I see pink in the distance, but maybe it's my bleeding eyes! "HEERE BLEEZARD BLEEZARD!" -Mezz


Active member
Heikki Lunta Snow Dance Song (and others) - Lyrics (audio also)

Including the following:

1. "The Heikki Lunta Snow Dance Song", written by David Riutta, © 1970 WMPL Radio, Hancock, MI.
2. "Heikki Lunta, Go Away", written by David Riutta, © 1970 WMPL Radio, Hancock, MI.
3. "Heikki Lunta", written by Jim DeCaire and Joe Potila, performed by Da Yoopers; Yoopy do Wah, © Yah Hey Music 1991.
4. “Guess Who’s Coming?”, written by Derrell Syria, performed by Conga Se Menne, Finnish Reggae…and Other Sauna Beats, © 1994 Conga Records, Negaunee, MI.
5. “Look Who’s Sitting (in the Sauna)”, written by Derrell Syria, performed by Conga Se Menne, Land of the Conga Boys, © 1996 Conga Records, Negaunee, MI.
6. "Make It Snow", by Derrell Syria, performed by Conga Se Menne on the album, Living Inna Northern Paradise, © 2001 Porky Pine Records.

Click → Heikki Lunta: lyrics (Click the speaker icon for each item to hear the audio recording)

P.S.: Heikki Lunta is pronounced Hayk-ki Lun-ta; the single t sound is pronounced as a softened d-sound (as in “that’s” and “them”: “dat’s” and “dem”) and the accent is on the first syllable.

Take a break today & enjoy a little Finnish Reggea!!! This is about "Meester Bleezards" predicessor [sic], the infamous Heikki Lunta. …

"predicessor"? :eek:
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Well-known member

P.S.: Heikki Lunta is pronounced Hayk-ki Lun-ta; the single t sound is pronounced as a softened d-sound (as in “that’s” and “them”: “dat’s” and “dem”) and the accent is on the first syllable.


"predicessor"? :eek:[/QUOTE]

Awwwe Mannnn! I've been Nashed!!! I have to make a mistake once in a while, besides, I don't use a spell checker, so I guess I'm allowed. Thanks for humbling me, LOL!:eek:-Mezz