Guided Boondocking Near Bergland?

We are starting to think about planning a snowmobile trip to Lake Gogebic in January. Are there any guides for hire with permission to go on private land (or public land) for a guided boondocking ride for our group? We would want to go out of Bergland but could meet somewhere. I've heard the best opportunity to do this is north of the bridge, but we're looking for options closer to Bergland. Thanks. John


Well-known member
go north pack your back pack with a change of socks and undies and do a back country from houghton to copper then take your trails home next can get up early run trail fast from gogebic to the bridge and hook up with a guide in houghton at say 9;30 .my bud guides out of houghton and is a unreal rider and not expensive call Jerry Ball 906 370 6553.if you like to party hard he will prob party with you iin copper and guide you back to houghton.that is if you can ride if he is helping you dig all day prob not lol.
there is some good riding south of the bridge but north is better most yrs IMHO and really after driving 4 or more hrs what is another 1.20 to get out of the heavy traffic


Well-known member
where you at west of MPLS I am over in the arm pit of Lk Minnetonka in Mound.You a Snow Blazer? if not you should think about joining good size group of boondockers well 6 or 7 that go to UP together few times a yr