Had A Special Guest at the Shop this Week....


New member
lol.. he was pretty calm, calmer than I would have been. The whole event should have had the "benny hill" sound track playing in the background..lol


Well-known member
lol.. he was pretty calm, calmer than I would have been. The whole event should have had the "benny hill" sound track playing in the background..lol

It already did.

When you described it running into the second shop, I put the soundtrack on.

That is a great story Boss Hoss.


Well-known member
I have those little critters visit every summer. Luckily they have never made it inside anywhere. But they sure make a mess of my lawn digging for what ever for they are after, and then crapping on my deck. I try to trap them at night when I know they are around, unless I can get them in the cross hairs. They sure can leave a big mess in a short time. They are major pests to me.


New member
Awesome. A few years ago I'm sitting in my living room and I hear this 'scratching' overhead. It's Saturday night. My husband says, I'll deal with it tomorrow. Fine. I am actually running a half marathon Sunday morning- so he's going to call a friend to help him take care of it. After running 13.1 miles, I come home to find a few friends enjoying beers in the yard. Then I hear shots. Turns out mama 'coon decided my attic was a good place to have her babies. They were wedged all the way over, so a small cutout in the soffit and they were able to get all of the babies out. They were dead when I came home, and I didn't ask questions. But mama wasn't giving up so easily. A few hours of hunting her down in the insultation, and luckily no holes in my roof from the small gague gun- and mama was taken care of as well. Interesting Sunday to say the least.


Well-known member
Awesome. A few years ago I'm sitting in my living room and I hear this 'scratching' overhead. It's Saturday night. My husband says, I'll deal with it tomorrow. Fine. I am actually running a half marathon Sunday morning- so he's going to call a friend to help him take care of it. After running 13.1 miles, I come home to find a few friends enjoying beers in the yard. Then I hear shots. Turns out mama 'coon decided my attic was a good place to have her babies. They were wedged all the way over, so a small cutout in the soffit and they were able to get all of the babies out. They were dead when I came home, and I didn't ask questions. But mama wasn't giving up so easily. A few hours of hunting her down in the insultation, and luckily no holes in my roof from the small gague gun- and mama was taken care of as well. Interesting Sunday to say the least.

McHenry, IL,....the new wild west.....LOL,...do you know the M1M charachter?


Well-known member
My neighbor kids had a baby coon one spring that they raised til almost full grown, then set it FREE,....well FREE to the coon was in my garage attic......they sure can make a mess in a few days,....


New member
Raccoons, eh? lucky devil. Past few years a family of skunks keeps deciding that the area under my porch is a great place to spend time in the spring. No body has been sprayed, but the area reeks anyway. Only seems to stink for a while in the spring and then it goes away. Thing is, I can not find any hole down there where they could be hiding or evidence of a nest. But I've seen them, and obviously smelled them. Frustrating.