Handel Bar Grips


New member
Can't find in my manual proper way to install handel bar grips. I figure it would be like insalling golf grips.


New member
I have this same question. Anyone have a good way to get new grips on? I had to replace the bars, so along with that comes new heaters and grips.

Deleted member 10829

I've seen rp7x do it with a high pressure air hose. It blows them up enough to slide them on. I've heard dish soap helps to, along with the air. Someone will chime in and set me straight.

XC Elko

New member
got em on good! for future grip installers. Place the grip at the end of the handle bar, insert air hose in the end closet to you and squeeze your hand on the grip end around the nozzle. Apply air. This will blow it up and allow you to easily slide them on. Be careful when the air nozzle starts to get close to the end of the handle bar if you have heat tape on, you dont want to catch that and separate it from the handle bar. you might need to plug the other end if interior of bar is continous to other side.