hanging a new shingle


Well-known member
after 15yrs of thinking about it I got the schooling done insurance 1 more phone line 1 more llc ect ect.
now a ofical MN home inspector.
now on to mold radon and air quality equpment few more weeks and few more $$$ the doors will be open.
think I will be abel to do inspections till in to my late 60's dont see my self ever stoping work completly so this should work


Good luck on your new business adventure, get hooked up with some Realtors they use home inspectors alot good luck.


Well-known member
yeah I work with alot of them already most heavy hitters in the area.
I have a remodeling co and a handy man biz I have been running for over 20yrs.
the realtors that call me to do alot of handyman work have been the ones telling me to get to it and start inspecting.
think I am going to be giving "free" pre sale mini inspections and then dooing the work to get the sellers homes ready to sell to start. I have been doing this for yrs any way's my gole is to be doing nothing but inspections and have at lest 1 more inspector working in 4 yrs.