In the infamous words of Elvis, Thank You, Thank You Very Much!
After dreading this benchmark, I have come to learn to accept it. It's better to be on top of or over the hill than under it. The day turned out better than expected, I had more friggin black balloons than you could shake stick at (whatever thats suppose to mean)
. When I left the office with all of them, I thought I might float away like Mary friggin Popins, maybe I was hoping I would, no such luck though. Where does the time go? Why does it have to go sooo fast? When your a kid, time seemed to move ever sooo slowly, now, time seems to literally fly, &
we begin to move slowly, simply not fair! Oh well, just glad to be here & on this side of the sod
. Thanks again to all of you for your wishes, it's made the milestone a bit less bitter. BTW, I would have chimed in sooner, but yesterday I had some major computer system & networking issues that had me wrapped up all day,
then, the ISP went down,
I was beginning to think that the BIG 50 was working against me.
Can you say paranoid? I have no words of wisdom, so I'll just leave you with this
, "Heere Bleezard Bleezard!" -Mezz