Happy biirthday frnash


Well-known member
Happy Birthday Mr. Nash.

I looked up "elder statesman" and obtained the following definition:

"A prominent, highly experienced older man, especially one acting as an unofficial adviser"

I think it is not only applicable but somewhat complimentary (or is it complementary?)


Active member
Happy Birthday Mr. Nash.

I looked up "elder statesman" and obtained the following definition:

"A prominent, highly experienced older man, especially one acting as an unofficial adviser"

I think it is not only applicable but somewhat complimentary (or is it complementary?)

Yes, complimentary it is! (And thank you for the compliment!) :)
complimentary – adjective:
saying nice things about someone or something.
complementary – adjective: completing something else or making it better : going together well : working well together, as in complementary colors.


Well-known member
Hey, youse folks are a hoot! Thanks y'all!

You thimk [sic] that's old? If ya only new [sic]! The body's about 93, and the mind is mebby 53; average: 73. There ya go! :cool:
So you're a Mathematician as well ehh? Well, ironically I'm not! HeHeHe! What is ironic, I will be 53 at the end of the month. The body is slowly going, the mind, well, I guess it doesn't mind much about the body slowing anymore. I hope to be around as long as you & my folks, the world needs more like yourselves.-Mezz