Since 2020 has been short on Happy Endings I thought I'd share one of mine. About a month ago I noticed my truck making a clicking noise, not quite a clunk but definitely a noise coming from the front left underside. It seemed to go away for a few days and then would come back and was getting progressively worse. Of course I checked under the hood and went underneath with the creeper. Nothing loose, nothing broken, nothing but that clicking noise but not quite a clunk and usually whenever I made a right hand turn. I talked to some guys at work and they thought it might be a bad CV Joint. On-line, Google said it might be a bad CV Joint. The CV Joint is like a universal for the front drive on a 4X4. So......I made an appointment with my local mechanic. and dropped the truck off for repairs. About an hour later the mechanic calls and the conversation went like this;
ME: Hi this Gary
MECHANIC: Yeah, looks like you've got a squirrel problem.
ME: Huh?
MECHANIC: Looks like a squirrel was stocking up for winter, we found a couple of Walnut seeds hidden between the body panel and frame. Whenever you hit a bump or make a turn those nuts would rattle around and make that noise.
ME: You gotta be kidding me.
MECHANIC: Nope, you can pick up your truck anytime today.
Looking back, our backyard has been thick with squirrels this Fall. The dog loves chasing them but as soon as she comes in the house, they're back. Apparently one of those varmints tried to move into the garage too. And that my friends is a Happy Ending!
ME: Hi this Gary
MECHANIC: Yeah, looks like you've got a squirrel problem.
ME: Huh?
MECHANIC: Looks like a squirrel was stocking up for winter, we found a couple of Walnut seeds hidden between the body panel and frame. Whenever you hit a bump or make a turn those nuts would rattle around and make that noise.
ME: You gotta be kidding me.
MECHANIC: Nope, you can pick up your truck anytime today.
Looking back, our backyard has been thick with squirrels this Fall. The dog loves chasing them but as soon as she comes in the house, they're back. Apparently one of those varmints tried to move into the garage too. And that my friends is a Happy Ending!
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