Happy Opening Day!


Well-known member
It has to mean something that it is my birthday on opening day and that it has snowed 3 of the 5 years I have been here in IL on this day. Yippie, Happy Opening Day everyone. THINK SNOW.

Pit Grunt

New Season

Should be out riding,,But stuck in the office watching it snow.. We Ride tomorrow..See you all in the U.P.
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New member

9 DAYS AND COUNTING FOR ME. :( hope all the first dayers had lots of fun!
I have to wait for tweener times. In tweener, I mean in between times where the little lady dont want me going! Can you believe she dont want me going on her birthday weekend!!! come on!!! Or her sons (my step sons) birthday weekend (this weekend)! She is harsh! Ok, not really. But I have learned you have to pick your battles, and better to pick ones you can win. So Dec 10th and hopefully Jan 7th or so.

Cant wait for enough snow for boondocking! Dave D - Jeff and I are coming!!! Get em lined up in lake linden!


New member
Snow will be there soon enough and I can't wait!!!!! Been waiting for opening day since closing season last year! :)


I'm riding

I'm up at Krupp's in Twin Lakes and rode 65 miles today. Rutted trails, but there is about 8 inches of snow on the ground and it's snowing right now.

7 out of 8 years I've been here for the opener.