Hay Days, Sept 11th & 12th 2010


Active member
having everyone up to cabin...fri night poontoon ride to the bar.....20min from track....bring tents................... get here.......

I'll have to see. I might just have to come out if I can find a tent. Us concrete walkers usually don't keep tents around you know.


New member
did you get a room?were at?you coming but for a Adult Bev on fri? all the info will be on FB today

St.Paul, rite of I94 in Woodbury. Friday-? will depend on what time we get on road. will check it out. thanks. if not see you there.


New member
Took the bike out today and took ride to new track........its going to be very interesting to say least!!!!!!talked with the workers today got the layout and seen the entire place.....


Well-known member
Look for TEAM HENNESSEY- Friday night we will have sled flicks playing again on the BIG screen! look for the tallest flag in the swap area! stop by and have a COORS!

Scottiking OUT


New member
its going to be a cluster fuwk.........not enough room!!!!its bigger place but has less usable room!!!!not even touched the track yet its waist high weeds still!!!!!the swaps are the lowest spot in the place if it rains its going to flood the swaps....the roads are super deep loose sand.....not a fence in site yet!!!!the parking lot they say every one has to park in is smaller than the old swap area!!!!and the lady who runs the place says their will be no out-side sales!!!!!the sheriff will be tagging any one who does!!!!!the had the county pass an ordinance to stop it!!!the P\k lot is a block or so away but they are going to have tractors and trailers to take you back and forth!!!!!!they will have them them inside to drive you around entire place just like a hay ride....but you cant ride it if you have any items that you bought.....Bam films is having a "how to ride out-west course"not sure what she ment but thats what she said........

the good news is...they have 4 beer tents....one at begining of track one at end of track...one in the swaps and one by food court!!!!!

North Branch should be fun!!one lane thru town with stop lights that should back up good and insted of a two ways to get in its going to be one way in and one way out........
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I drove by the site this afternoon. It looks like they have been working and it is coming together. I'll swing out tomorrow and take some pictures. There maybe some issues the first year but, I think that is to be expected with any event this size at a new location. It should be a good time!


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