Heading out west january 1-8 and was looking to rect a BCA float 30 air pack


New member
Was looking to Rent a pack due to the cost of a new one this is my first time out west and normally ride upper MI
If you have one or u know of a place that rents the packs information would be greatly appreciated
you can contact me at katalinickcc@yahoo.com
Thank you Chad


Staff member
Hi Chad.

I will also e mail just in case you do not check the board often, but wanted to get this out to anyone else.

I have a BCA Float 36 that I would rent to you or even sell for half price (around $300). It is basically brand new. I wore it for the first time last year when I was out west for the 5 days of riding and has been hanging up in my shop since. It has never been deployed- THANK GOODNESS!. I got that model because it has the largest amount of space of all the avy packs. Turns out I do not need that much space for my camera and other stuff, so am looking to go to a slightly smaller pack and selling this one would help make that happen.

If you or anyone else is interested, let me know.

It will probably go on Craigslist or E bay soon.



New member
The guys at www.snowbigdeal.com rent Avi-Bags. A buddy of mine rented from them last year. They ship the bag to you fully charged, then you discharge it before sending it back so you don't have to deal with shipping hazardous materials.


New member
I know people will disagree with me, but here goes...

You spend 30k plus on a truck, 7k plus on a trailer, 10k plus on a sled.

A BCA float 22 throttle costs 500-600 bucks and that is too much money...for your life?
Renting is fine, but why not put that money into your own pack?

Seems kinda stupid to me, but to each his own I guess.

If you buy one and decide riding out west isn't your cup of tea, you can easily sell it and at the most lose maybe 100 bucks.


New member
Welcome Brad! I think you will find this to be a good avenue to promote your services as long as forum rules are followed.

Do you have any BCA Throttle 22's?


New member
Welcome Brad! I think you will find this to be a good avenue to promote your services as long as forum rules are followed.

Do you have any BCA Throttle 22's?

I certainly plan to stay within the rules! For now, John said I can respond to this thread, and I am looking at becoming a paid advertiser as well.

We are/will be carrying the BCA Float 22, BCA Throttle 22, and BCA Float 32. Right now we have a few Float 22 and Throttle 22s (though they are all out on rental at the moment), and are waiting on our next shipment from BCA of Throttles and Float 32's to further expand our rental inventory. When the 32's come in, you will see that option added to our website.

For availability please let us know the dates you need - you can email, call, etc. Our online reservation system also shows you a calendar with availability on it, though it sometimes could be a bit delayed as phone orders take a little while to update and flow through the online calendar.
