Heath Frisby plans to attempt the first snowmobile frontflip on Sunday.(Jan 5th))


New member
Heath Frisby is calling his shot as he heads into the Snowmobile Best Trick competition on Sunday at Winter X 2012: He says he's bringing the first-ever snowmobile frontflip to Winter X Games."I was playing it extremely safe last night," Frisby announced to his fans on Facebook on Friday after finishing in fourth place in the Snowmobile Freestyle finals on Thursday. "Sunday night is my night to shine and be the first person in the world to do a frontflip on a snowmobile."

ESPN or XGames.com

at 8pm CST

OPPS, tonight, Jan 29th
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New member
He made out well. The other guy trying the double back flip... not so much. Looked like the machine smashed his elbow & leg ??? when it rolled over him. I personally think that too much momentum is gained in doing the double , then the short distance to stick the landing is where it goes bad ? Being one whom has had many broken bones and stitches,,,, we felt bad for the guy.