Sounds to me like the farmers and s**t haulers want special treatment to haul heavy loads. Farms that large are businesses. When I hire trucks to haul my steel they are taking things into their own hands if they decide to haul heavy. Why should a farm business be treated special? Yes farmers feed the world, but the steel I sell builds the tractors and buildings to allow them to farm. Farmers and their never ending subsidies always think they are special!!!
You bring up a valid point. I think the reason they are wanting an exception is due to the limited window in which they can spread the manure. Also a lot of times they are just crossing the roads or going a couple of miles to the fields.
I just think its anothr way for the local government to generate revenue. These laws have been on the books and not neccessarily enforced. Now that most governments are broke because of poor planning and spending they are taking it to us.
I saw a case recently where a 15 year old girl was given a $300 fine for operating a lemonade stand with out a business license. This is a sad. Way to teach a kid to its not worth trying to make a buck. Stay home and collect free $ from the government. This is the word we live in now.