Well our canine population just went up by one. My wife works at a vet and we seem to adopt animals that people decided they do not want. Currently we have two cats and two Boston Terriers, wait make that three (we even had a one eyed rabbit named cylops). This latest is a new born that entered this world yesterday morning. The mom had 10 puppies and ended up having a "C" section for the last 4 which is why she ended up at the vet. One of the pup's died and one was born with a cleft pallet. The owners ended up bringing the pup with the cleft pallet back into the vet and said they could not take care of it. Well needless to say my wife swooped in for the rescue and we now have a less than two day old pup. One of the vets that specialize in this type of thing took a look and the cleft is not to bad but will probably require some surgery to get things right. Anyway, we need to come up with a name and I thought that my fellow John Dee family could offer some suggestions. I have included a few photo's to help you. She is a real cutie