Help...need to lose 10 lbs.


A lot of great advice here. You need to make time to work out and eat healthier and/or less. If there seems to be no time during the day to work out, get up an hour earlier in the morning and do some type of cardio workout. Good luck.


New member
Great advice. Someone mentioned pop. Cut it out completely, sparkling water works great. Try LaCroix. One other thing that my wife and I have found that really helps around our house is we buy lots of fresh veggies like carrots (Costco 10 lb bag), Sugar Snap Peas, Celery, Cauliflower, etc. Once or twice a week we will cut up the veggies and put them in quart or even gallon size Ziplock bags with a moist towel and seal them up. They go in the fridge on a shelf and we have instant available healthy snacks whenever we want them. It really makes dieting easy when you have to do nothing to have a healthy snack. We found the problem with chips, pretzels, cookies and all that other stuff that was high in carbs and low in nutrition got ate because we could grab it in a jiffy and eat it right away. So we started doing this a while back and it works great. We also tell the kids that they don't have to ask us for a snack if its something healthy.

Another thing that works great for us is we stopped buying the bags of chips and now buy the box of 36 or so chips from Costco. These are not only great for the kids lunches but when we want some chips with lunch we grab a bag and eat one bag. Each bag is a serving and is under 200 calories. With a big bag of chips I used to be able to eat half a bag of Doritos in one sitting.

The Weight watchers point system is the best as it teaches you the values of food and how much you really need in a serving. We did it many years ago and its stuck with us ever since. Good Luck!!


Right after my knee replacement surgery I lost 6 six pounds. I was drinking lots of water because the pain pills made me thristy. Now that I am off the pain meds the weight is slowly coming back. Instead of drinking water I am back to my old ways and reaching for the pop.

I thought that I was okay because it is caffiene free diet pop, however a new study has proven even artifical sweetener will made you want more sweets and can contribute to adult type 2 diabetes(ms). My goal is to get off the pop and back on the water.

Did the cabbage soup as part of a diet program three years ago and lost 40 lbs over the last two years I have regained 15 lbs. Time to get smart again.
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New member
South Beach Diet worked really well for me. It basically cuts a ton of bad carbs out of your diet (bread, cracker, cookies, etc.). I lost 20+ pounds in 4 months on it. I recommend getting the South Beach Supercharged book. It has the steps and recipes for each week. As you progress you get to add some carbs back into your diet. I never felt hungry on it either. It didn't make the grocery bill go up either.

You just have to stick to the no or low carb diet. I don't do the low-fat foods route either - have you tasted that stuff - gross! I use the full fat stuff, but not a ton of it.

I second the get rid of soda. If you just have to have it - get diet and then only have it once or twice a week.

The only exercise I did was going on 45 minute walks with the dog - every other day. I have a small dog and walks are not her thing.

I have to get myself back on track. The holidays really blew it for me this year and I am going back hardcore on the South Beach now.

Good Luck!


New member
They say the human head weighs about ten pounds. Cut off your head. In some cases it's ten ugly pounds.

Omg, too funny! Though I don't recommend it. How would one see?
Breakfast is important. Someone suggested oatmeal, good idea but don't load it up with tons of sugar and stuff. Instead cut up fresh fruit or add raisins, low fat/non fat milk.
Small portion meals, 4-6 per day and always be careful of what you're putting in your mouth. Cut out pop.
You can't lose real weight (fat) without regular exercise. Please, please don't take diet pills. I made the mistake years ago of taking something that said "contains ephedrines". I thought it would be ok because it didn't say Ephedra. What a big mistake! By day 4 I could barely function, I couldn't sleep or go to work, I couldn't go to the GYM. My heart rate and blood pressure SKYROCKETED and I ended up in the ER! It was very scary.
There are no quick fixes or shortcuts, unfortunately. Good luck!
(And I rejoin the gym and start watching my diet tomorrow. The holidays were not very good to me... )


Well-known member
You can't lose real weight (fat) without regular exercise.

That there is the real key. Doesn't mean you have to be a hard-core gym rat or a Richard Simmons, but it's the only way to lose weight and most importantly, keep it off.


New member
Weight Watchers....

My LW started with the WW plan about a year ago and she is looking fantastic. She feels a lot better and has a ton of energy. I'd suggest meeting up wit the same folks that have your problems. Everyone knows what they have to do to get the lbs. off, and subdueing your hunger is only a phone call away.[such as calling your WW buddy]. After awhile your body starts reducing those ravishing wants and you learn how to eat properly.
Those lousy carbs are the villans here. Kill the bad carbs and you'll lose the weight. And FAST!