here we go again


New member
what is the best way to switch brands of oil? i have had a couple instances with my dirt bikes that right after i swithed brands i burnt down.after a rebuild, which on a dirt bike is pretty simple, got it down to thirty minutes.anyway, no trouble after that with the switched to brand. my guess is the oils were not compatible or was it just time for a burn down.


Well-known member
If it were me -- switching synthetic vs. synthetic, or semi-syn vs. semi-syn, syn vs. semi-syn, or dino vs. dino, I wouldn't worry about it. Switching dino vs. syn or semi-syn, I'd drain out as much dino as possible without introducing air into the system (or run it down as low as possible without running it dry) before filling with syn or semi-syn.

Seems like most new synthetics and semi-syns say they're compatible with dinos, but I'd rather be safe than sorry.


New member
sounds like you were just due for a melt down. I agree with above, use up, or drain, as much of the original oil, then top off with the new, specially if going from a standard 2 stroke to a full synthetic


New member
Buy the war department a new turkey baster, take the old one and get as much oil out as you can may need to put a piece of gas line on to get more oil out. I also use this method in the chain case.