Here we go... again.


Well-known member
So 3 drive offs in two days at the pumps. Back to having people bring in credit cards or helmets. What a pain in the ass!!!! Slows up everything and now everyone suffers again. Last year was a great year, but so far this year is not unfortunately.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Maybe try the Card Only pay at the pump. At this rate it would pay for itself. The few that don't have credit or debit cards would find/steal gas somewhere else.


Active member
Yep idiots in action again. Sorry to hear that happened. What is the cost of a fill up compared to the cost for getting to Greenland on a sled? Must be from a big democratic run city where that is accepted behavior.

Kip, had a buddy use your new parking lot 2 wks ago and said it was great. If all goes to plan we will be up that way next weekend to check it out in person.


Well-known member
Glad the parking lot worked out well! Pay at the pump is 40 grand a pump and to be honest I want customers to come into the store and possibly shop. The cure is a 9 mil:) I'm not a gas station by trade. It's here as a strict convenience. It would take a lot of stealing to pay for itself Gary. That price doesn't even include the install.

old abe

Well-known member
It seems that there is no end to this, Don't care, Screw you, Cheap, Cheating, attitude these days Kip! Sadly so it is.:(


Well-known member
Kip, I'm sorry to hear this, I hope these people are real proud of themselves, its truly sad that these low life thieves are out there, I know its a pain in the ass but what about a surveillance camera either pointed at pumps from window or outside and capture the idiot on camera and post it for everyone to see, someone will know who they are! make a mochary of them. It's so ridiculous to say the least! what pathetic pieces of poop!


Active member
As others said sorry you have to deal with with the garbage as there is no need for that, and 40k per pump sounds like thievery in itself.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Pay at the pump is 40 grand a pump and to be honest I want customers to come into the store and possibly shop. That price doesn't even include the install.
I had no idea, that's a lot of coin.

I'm assuming these are people from outside the area so posting their pictures probably wouldn't work and quite frankly, it takes a helluva lot to embarrass some people today. Sounds like credit cards and helmets are your best option.

For the rest of us waiting in line we can thank the Asshats that steal gas for causing the delay.


Well-known member
Cameras would certainly help. Couldn't hurt. Need to get at least a 4K or even 8k just so you could zoom in and see something worth while. Cheaper than 40k pump ugrades


Well-known member
Sad, must be some real low life, I wouldn't think the typical snowmobiler would do that with everything they have invested in the sport.


Active member
Hey Kip, sorry to hear about this unfortunate event, don’t let it bring you down you’re a good man, being that I have been in the sign business since spring of 1976 and owned the same company for over 40 years, I’m willing to make you a sign free of charge that you could put by the gas pumps, PM me if you are interested


Well-known member
How pathetic! I would make them leave the credit card & their helmet plus have a camera or 2. All thanks to Friggin thieves!!!


Active member
Whatever happened to those thieves that sole a snowmobile(s) from Pat's? Did they catch them? Are they in prison?


Well-known member
Thanks guys and appreciate the offer snomoman. I'm not down by any means as those are their crosses to bear. Cameras I have, but with all the gear on it's tough to tell and believe it or not a lot of them come in and leave making it possible to know who's who. I'm sure maybe even one of them maybe came in and looked around and just totally forgot. It's only money! The people that stole the sled were caught, released, and then did it again 6 months later, LOL! That's our beautiful justice system.


Well-known member
I will never forget when we stopped at "Bunker Hill" when he was off the lake linden trail, there it was... a huge poster board with the heading "People not allowed in this shop" first and last names listed, it was quite funny but rightfully placed I'm sure as he was a straight forward no bullshit kind of guy!