Here is a pic ridseafe took looking down on Doospunk afterwards. He bent his bars pretty good. But that was it as far as carnage. Luckily he just got a sprained wrist out of the deal. If he would have been really hurt, we were prepared for the worst. I had some strudels, and I think someone had a snickers bar, we figured we'd prop him up against a tree, and come back for him later after we were done riding for the day.
That would make for a nice landscape peice in my front yard. Think we can fit it in your truck Skylar?
Yes John! Always prepared with contingencies, though Skylar forgot to mention the Ranch Corn Nuts. Speaking of that, I'll have to restock my supply as Boonie found those to be quite tasteful when we found her back in the woods.
Not much damage besides ego, bars, and wrist though......
LMAO. Nothing like having good friends to watch out for you.
And Richard Krupps BIG pipe bent them bars back to like new!
Oh and a couple dudes pulling on um for a bit!
I'll bet ya didnt even buy new ones to replace um did ya Kris?
Scottiking OUT
Circa March of 2000. Joe stopped before he went off of it.