Holy big waves!



man, I forgot the camera, The waves were only 5-7 ft I would say, still impressive, Tree brush all over the roads. This is a good test to see how well your windows perform!


Active member
I was thinking Edmund Fitzgerald today too.
Lenny, too bad you forgot the camera...
Biggest I've been in was just a coupla 6-8 footers and I was WAY too scared and queezy to take any pics. Had my 2month old inside on the stupid boat and his car seat was rocking like a swing!?!


Active member
See where the ore boats/ships are on the Great Lakes!

See Boatnerd's Great Lakes & Seaway Shipping Online: Vessel Passage Maps.

(Navigate your way around the map & zoom in and out with the controls in the upper left corner. Hover your cursor over a vessel's tag to see details for the vessel.)


Active member
Ive been out on Lake Ontario with 9-11 footers in a 24ft fishing boot. I dont get sea sick at all, but my body and my mind were just flat out beat after that deal. Was out for about 1.5 hrs before I told him Id had enough. I just cant even imagine 30 footers!


The waves were impressive! Went and checked them out at the North entry on the Houghton side. First time I've ever seen the water make it clear up to the rocks that end the parking lot and going over the break walls. Was pretty cool with the red sky off in the distance, you could see the peak of the waves against the red sky. Sorry, no pics.
