Honest people still exist


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Today my wife and daughter and I were at Barnes and Noble on Madison's west side. My daughter had some gift cards to use up, and right before we walked in, I handed her a twenty for doing her chores during the week. We were in the store for about 20 minutes and she comes and finds me and says "dad I lost that $20!" :( it was in my phone, and I pulled my phone out because I got a text, and it must have fell on the floor!" Sucks to be you I said. She then asked me if I thought someone would turn it in, I told her probably not, but go to customer srvice desk and ask.

Someone did turn it in!! I was floored. Thank you to whoever did that! As my daughter was checking out, she was told that Barnes and Noble were doing a book drive for foster kids, she bought 20 bucks worth of childrens books, and donated them to the drive. :)


Well-known member
Honest people do still exist.... I bought a $20 wallet at a shopko 1 hour north of here, and i pulled the car up to the doors of shopko since it was raining so my mom could hop in quick, and she was fiddling with the bag and must've dropped it. We got home and it wasn't in the bag so she called shopko and someone found the wallet in the parking lot and returned it to customer service. Then, we didn't want to drive an hour just for a wallet, so they said they'd ship it to the shopko in appleton (10 min drive for me) and we picked er up yesterday.


Active member
Skylar, that is awsome you got the twenty back, must be those nice Wis. people!
What is even cooler though, is your girl gave her money to the less fortunate kids.
Awsome job!


Well-known member
What goes around comes around I say. I haven't found someone's wallet but saw a guy drop a $100 bill once... which I returned. I left my wallet on top of a gas pump once (no pockets in swim trunks) and got it hand delivered to my house that night. Good people are out there... just sucks there aren't more.


New member
Great story Skylar makes you feel warm and cozy inside that there are still some honest people around . what your daughter did makes me wish that there was more stories of what good kids do around then all the bad ones that we mostly hear of .


i agree with t-struck, you never hear stories of kids doing nice things for people unsolicited. great to hear.


Well-known member
In my opinon most people out there are honest its just the 2% of the maggots the make the news every night that give up the perception of all people being bad.


New member
Excellent story! Unfortunately I think the % of maggots out there is a lot higher then 2%! JMO


I found a wallet at milwaukee snow show last year, with 3-4 hundreds bucks, credit cards, id's and other personal stuff. Being the nice guy I am, I track down the owner, get a hold of him told I have found his wallet with cash and other stuff. He then starts telling me that he wants the rest of his money claming there was 6-7 hundred in wallet. All I could say was if I was going to take the money 1. I would not of tracked you down 2. I would have taken all of the money 3. what kind of DB are you? Then told him I would wait for him to come get it as he left the show already. He came and got wallet gave it to him and he left not saying a word.
If I lost my wallet and someone had found it and returned it to me, I would atleast say thank you, offer a reward, buy the person dinner, etc... Just think of the headache he could of had cancel credit cards, get new ids, etc...
All I wanted was a thank you and thats it. I bet if this guy found a wallet he'd pick it clean.


Well-known member
Honest people and good people. Nice job on raising a good kid Skylar.

As a side note;
Where should we put all the hats, gloves, tools and various items we find along the trails? Seems like we find a lot of stuff that fell off someone's machine along the way. We usually put most items beside the next stop sign along the trail, but a consistant system would help people find lost items. There is no lost and found in the Northwoods.


New member
Honest people and good people. Nice job on raising a good kid Skylar.

As a side note;
Where should we put all the hats, gloves, tools and various items we find along the trails? Seems like we find a lot of stuff that fell off someone's machine along the way. We usually put most items beside the next stop sign along the trail, but a consistant system would help people find lost items. There is no lost and found in the Northwoods.

if it's clothing most people won't come back to get it too much time and effort to do so pick up clothes and donate to Goodwill just a thought !!!!!:)


Staff member
Like father (and mother), like daughter.

It is true what they say: Apples do not fall far from the tree.

Congrats to the whole Baxter family for their character.


PS- I've yet to meet a bad egg from this site. Pretty cool thing we have here.


New member
Like father (and mother), like daughter.

It is true what they say: Apples do not fall far from the tree.

Congrats to the whole Baxter family for their character.


PS- I've yet to meet a bad egg from this site. Pretty cool thing we have here.

Define --BAD EGG!

We have scrambled, poached, fried, and hardboiled. Can you tell which kind of "egg" I am (nevermind about the 'egg-head' comments)?


New member
Skylar, your daughter is awsome-gets her 20 back and turns around and donates it in a different form. way cool.


New member
I found a wallet at milwaukee snow show last year, with 3-4 hundreds bucks, credit cards, id's and other personal stuff. Being the nice guy I am, I track down the owner, get a hold of him told I have found his wallet with cash and other stuff. He then starts telling me that he wants the rest of his money claming there was 6-7 hundred in wallet. All I could say was if I was going to take the money 1. I would not of tracked you down 2. I would have taken all of the money 3. what kind of DB are you? Then told him I would wait for him to come get it as he left the show already. He came and got wallet gave it to him and he left not saying a word.
If I lost my wallet and someone had found it and returned it to me, I would atleast say thank you, offer a reward, buy the person dinner, etc... Just think of the headache he could of had cancel credit cards, get new ids, etc...
All I wanted was a thank you and thats it. I bet if this guy found a wallet he'd pick it clean.
My story is much like yours. I was working in FL. for my brother & one morning I stop at a gas station for coffee, get out of truck & step right on a wallet. So I throw it in the truck & off to the jobsite i go, once there I look thru it & come up with the guy's lic. So once at home I track him down thru the ph.book call him & we meet later that eve at the same gas station. Now this wallet was empty (no cash) 2 cc's & a couple of biz cards.
The guy calls me a theif, says there was over $800 in there, & a soc sec card
that was his daughter's... says I'm trying to steal her id. So he calls the palm beach cty sheriff's... The sheriff sides with me, says there's no way he's (ME) trying to rip you off, Why would he (ME) spend the time to locate you? The guy peels off the lot in a rage, sheriff runs him down & tickets him I try to talk to sheriff to let him go, but he says no way! Two days later... same gas station I see this guy there buying coffee he flips me off & peels out again. Why The Face?


New member
I have 2 stories like this. Left my wallet on the roof of my car at a gas station, and had it delivered by a nice elderly couple later that night.
Just this weekend, my wife was looking for the camera to take pix of the kids costumes, can't find it. She called the pumpkin farm we were at 2 weeks ago, and someone had turned it in. I was amazed at both stories, and my kids saw them both, so I hope it made the same impression on them that your daughter had on her.


Very nice story Skylar. I no longer return items to people - wallets, cameras, etc. I drop them off at the police station as I've had some bad experiences with people claiming I took the money or the SD card out of their phone. I didn't of course but I figure the police can handle it.