hot primary and secondary


New member
i have a 2003 600 xcsp and both clutches are getting really hot.i noticed it out west last feb.every thing seems to be moving fine in both clutches.the allignment is right on,all bearings seem fine(if a bearing was bad im assuming it would have failed by now).ive put around 200 mi.on it since noticing runs great it runs right at 8200rpms.throttle responce is it possible the tunnel or skid could be a little tweaked without throwing a bearing?ive never had a problem figuring my sleds lost so any input would be great......thanks for any suggestions
when you run in power the clutches run hot because of less air going over them to cool. you could remove the windage plate on the secondary


New member
xcr440.....the belt was new and washed,when i noticed it i put another new washed belt on.i took it out yesterday and it ran great!...stopped after 15min.they were so hot i was wishing i had some bacon with me.

flatlander....i was thinking that when i was out there.knowing its a 600 and it has to work harder.ive taken it out west quite a few times and have never noticed it before...ive never blown a belt on it and i honestly dont ever remember checking my cluthes while im out im not sure if this is normal or not (im guessing not)..the windage plate you are talking about,are you talking about the fin like openings behind the secondary?...ive thought about cutting the top one out.unfortunately they dont make a "hot air eliminator kit" for the edge chassis.....thanks for the replies guys
xcr440.....the belt was new and washed,when i noticed it i put another new washed belt on.i took it out yesterday and it ran great!...stopped after 15min.they were so hot i was wishing i had some bacon with me.

flatlander....i was thinking that when i was out there.knowing its a 600 and it has to work harder.ive taken it out west quite a few times and have never noticed it before...ive never blown a belt on it and i honestly dont ever remember checking my cluthes while im out im not sure if this is normal or not (im guessing not)..the windage plate you are talking about,are you talking about the fin like openings behind the secondary?...ive thought about cutting the top one out.unfortunately they dont make a "hot air eliminator kit" for the edge chassis.....thanks for the replies guys

clutches get hot. if you have the team clutch i don't think they have them. but it is a thin piece of al over the fins and held on by a few screws. i would check for a broken motor mount or make sure your engine stop is tight. also make sure your secondary has some play


New member
You can buy the generic square Frog skinz vents and cut them into the shockwell. I did it on my 02 800 and it seemed to help. Check your alignment again. Is your secondary setup to float?


New member
I agree with rp7x
the secondary spring may be going soft or binding
cutting vents and such treats the symptom not the


New member
Flatlander....ill check my mounts again,the engine stop is where it was the day i bought the sled.i know theirs a gap,how much im not sure?whats the reason running it tight to the motor? my secondary does float,it has the same washers and spacers in it since the day i bought it....

Willy....where can i pick these frog skins up at?ill check my alignment again forsure (i think ive checked it a dozen times)lol....

Doomsman....i agree i need to find the cause so i can fix the problem...i put a new spring in both clutches last year.the weights,towers,pucks,rollers and spring look great on the primary.buttons,bushings,helix and spring look good in the secondary.i think ill pull them off this weekend and go through them again though (cant hurt).

i cant thank you enough for the replies!!!!!!!!!.....


Active member
Clutches run hot. Unless your blowing belts, (your using the 1080 belt right?) and can light a cigarette off the clutches, your prolly fine.


New member
doomsman......i did change the springs before i went west

srt20....i am running the 1080

rp7x.....i cant remember off the top of my head what the gearing is? it was a 121 and changed it to a 136 with a 1.5 track (m10)...i know i changed my gearing,i think from a 23-39 to a 22-40.i dont have the sled with me but i have it written on my air going to pull the clutches again and go through them one more time check my alignment,motor mounts,maybe a new belt and whatever else i can think of

thanks again for the replies have a
great new years!!!!!!!


Well-known member
smokin hot

if your secondary spring is softer for high alt it may not handle the hp at sea level


Active member
Well couple of things, higher rpm, slower speeds will make clutches and belt run hotter obviously. The other thing is the 1080 belts arent the best high temp belts. They are some of the softest rubber compound for Polaris sleds. If you arent blowing these out, your clutches cant be that hot. All the newer sleds have 1122 or 1115 belts because the 1080s couldnt handle the heat that is trapped in the newer hood and bellypan designs. Your clutches may be running hotter in the powder and hills, than they run on the trails, but it cant be that hot cuz the 1080s are surviving. Also the 1080 doesnt handle much slipping before it burns up or delaminates either, so I kinda doubt that is happening too.

I suspect your stuff is fine, but Im not there checking it out either. Its always a good idea to keep an eye on stuff, and go through everything and just inspect and make sure all is good, like rp7x is saying too.

BTW, 1080 belts are awesome belts performance wise, because they are soft, they also grip much harder than the newer belts. One reason why the Edge chassis sleds are so much easier to clutch than the newer sleds. They dont generally last as long as the 1115, but they are also half the price. Good luck


New member
I kind of agree with srt20, clutches run hot.... period ! My thoughts ... buy a pyrometer to take some baseline readings and compare to another sled ( side by side test ) I would think if your not tearing things up your sled may be normal. On my DOO w/ TRAll clutch, I could not hold my hand on them after some hard runs in twisty trails.


New member chart has me running a silver/blue secondary through all elevations bacon my have been overstated,i ride with the same group of guys and when i compaired their clutches with mine its night and day couldnt touch mine for more than a few sec.while theirs were cool,05 151 800,05 700,04 800.and few arctic cats in the bunch.

i have never blown a belt since the day i bought the sled (bought new in 04).so i agree that if something was out of wack id be going through belts.and like most of us i ride it like its my last ride i will ever take :)

ive gone trough it and have had a few extra sets of eyes as well incase i missed something and the only thing ive found was a broken boggy mount on the starting to think the m-10 is made out of lead (HEAVY)...i bought the sled a month before back surgery kind of as a motivater to get back in shape after laying around for 6 mo.i bought it for the skid,its a great ride but for the riding i do way to heavy.

ive always ran stock...maybe i should thow a thread out and get some cluthing and setup tips?

mj....thats a good idea my buddies brother has one.i'll bring it with next time we go riding (which will have to be north after al this F-ing rain yesterday)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.....

thanks a bunch!!!!..have a fun and safe NEW YEARS!!!!!!