Houghton/Hancock area


New member
Currently debating to come up or cancel our trip beginning on the 1st staying in Calumet. Any first hand insight into the trail conditions and snow? Not looking to get off trail because I know that is no where near set up yet but just wondering about the trails. Thanks


Well-known member
They have just begun with the groomers, until today, not a whole lot of snow to work with. Can't say what the conditions are precisely, all I can say it's early season by way of snowfall so tread carefully. Conditions are no where near considering off trail unless your looking to trash a sled. Good luck. -Mezz


Well-known member
I rode trail 3 out of twin lakes down to Rockland to help clear the club clear a couple GIANT trees off the trail down there and there is plenty of snow although we picked up 9” new from yesterday 7am to 3pm today of Les fluff
the trail needed a groom but hat plenty of snow on it
the base is t great yet but they are grooming tonight and if a guy went out tomorrow morning I would bet it would be as good as it gets
the put the mat down on the Prtage bridge today so I thinks it’s worth the trip-
still snowing here now and can barely see across lake Roland right now-
i parked my trail sled and plan to go break in my new RMK tomorrow on some fire roads but will stay on those.
the hills aren’t ready yet
Scottiking OUT


New member
Rode Greenland to Lac Labelle yesterday and it was good--132 from 3 to Lac Labelle was very nice. 17 and 3 had some low spots but very good considering the snow depth.

Ohio Cat

Thanks for the heads up. We keep pushing our trip back waiting for more snow. Your post gives me more optimism.


was up in copper harbor yesterday. sign in Kearsarge said snow last year at this time 154 inches and this year so far 62 inches. just saw trails from road so its hard to say how good they were. only saw a few snowmobiles out an about.