I got 119 hours in 2747 miles....how about you?....flyin'
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Who keeps records like that??? Amazing and OCD all at the same time!! Last time I looked my avg speed on my 850 as recorded in the PIDD is 43 MPH. I will look now that I got some miles on around home. Bet its way down....
I doubt it slim....pics or It didn't happen....that means that in 23 hours...less than one day not including warm up time....you drove 1000 miles.....we believe ya....take a pic of the gauge you 2 dreamers ...fuji...1000 miles with no warm up in 27 hours.....right
Warm up time bites into the avg.....really don't matter, plenty a different ways to have fun on a sled
I think my best fun was way before such meters was invented
Sleds gone so no pics.
By the way, please speak in complete sentences.
Easy to get these averages in the high 30's on an 850 E-tec.
Warm-up light goes out at about 62 degrees (3 minutes) and is ready to go. I shut-down when I stop and trails are 30% railroad grade.
10 hours to ride 360 miles plus a few gas stops and lunch.
I am sure other guys are faster but it is hard on the body.
Even more curious now.
Do some of the new meters like the Poo PIDD keep track of your moving mph?
Vs. Run time divided into total odo?