House Bill 4612


Well-known member
As it stands right now in the State of Michigan, the motorcyclist has no benefit under the Michigan No-Fault law unless the cyclist comes in contact with a Michigan motor vehicle. As such, & according to the BS being emanated from this article, " the bikers would be eligible for $250,000 of Personal Injury Protection (PIP-which is the medical coverage afforded under the Michigan No-Fault Law). Do you know what amount the biker is covered for right now on their own? Zero, Zip, Nadda! Michigan No-Fault needs serious reform, presently it is costing us all dearly. Michigan's present No-Fault provides for Personal injury Protection which is an "Unlimited Lifetime Benefit". Can you buy a health policy that has a Unlimited Lifetime Benefit? The answer to that is, No. Then why should we be compelled by law to purchase an unlimited lifetime benefit under the No-Fault Law? Clearly it is costing everyone more. Class dismissed.-Mezz
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New member
so some drunk in a car runs a biker down and biker is in coma a month then lets say out work 2 years then lets say he goes back to work!!!at what point did the 250$ run out? will not even get you out ER the first night!!then the bikes ins should pay? we have no-fault here and yes your ins will pay upfront then go after the person who was AT-fault....dont think setting limits is the way to ins will then send me a letter stating they will not cover me in a state that mandates the amount you can recover if their is and accident
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Well-known member
fcat, every state has a limit, do you know what they are in your state? Michigan has the
best there is in the country. In fact, there is no other state that offers anything close to what Michigan has to offer in it's present form, who do you think pays for this? It's called every single legitimately insured individual in this state. I might suggest that you learn the facts.-Mezz