How far into the UP for snow


GRAND MARAIS UPDATE via Grand Marais Sno-Trails Assoc. - From Jack-North Trail came out pretty good. Moguls are going to come back on the inside corners with lots of traffic but with this sugar snow that is expected. We did our best... #snowphot
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Active member
Had to go to Calumet and Fitzgeralds yesterday by car, Trailside was packed and trails from the road looked real good, no scratchers needed. cal.jpg cal1.jpg
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New member
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Can you still get in:eek:ut of Grand Marais?

pretty thin and lots of gravel and pavement near the towns, got real soft Sunday was like riding in mashed potatoes, if you go to the park and ride areas, danaher plains or the parking lot where trail 88 crosses M77 betweeen seney and grand marais, once you get a mile or so in the woods its fine but getting gas in Seney or G.M is going to be a challenge. it can be done but your sled is not going to like it. I did 100 or so miles on 43, 440, 431, 8, 88 and 888 on Saturday 3/14 and it was pretty good conditions in the woods but had to ride some crap thru seney and to get to and from the lake house. in my opinion, the season is over unless they get cold weather and another foot or more of snow.
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Trail untouched from driving past it this morning to an hour ago. Definitely hard to drive past a freshly groomed, untouched trail that has been like that all day!