How Long Do You Wait?

Running Bear

New member
How long do you wait for a guest to return before you start looking for them?
Having 4 years in the resort ownership/management which isn't much time.....things come up and you start to wonder, like every night for 4 nights your guests are back before dark and then its after midnight and their not back, or you wake up in the morning and they haven't been back at all. This happens all year, fishermen, hunters and snowmobilers. My wife worries and wants to jump sooner than I....all our guests have always returned...but I tell ya she goes crazy when they aren't back as she says "when they should be" Just wondering how long do other resort owners wait and how long would you guests want us to wait.

Running Bear and worried Mrs. Bear


Interetsing question. I am sure some groups would love that fact someone is concerned about their safety while others would say stay out of my business. Curious if other lodging owners have a policy on this.


Well-known member
You can't be responsible for when and where guests go when they leave your resort, at least I wouldn't want to be.


Well-known member
We have had times that we didn't get back because we were hundreds of miles out and ran into bad conditions, snowfall, etc. We can not always plan on the unexpected.

I would appreciate your concern though. Never know what could happen out there.


Wow, that's really thoughtful of your wife and yourself. I have to think though, that you have to not worry about everyone there. You are not responsible for their actions. I think it's great you pay attention, which is really all you probably need to do. I think it's fine that once you notice it seems out of place (not back, different pattern, etc.) that you then pay closer attention to what's happening. But I wouldn't hit the panic button on anyone, until there is a clear point of concern. Like say more than 36 hours without contact (seeing them, seeing movement or room activity), missing a checkout without leaving, clearly no activity in a room for multiple nights. etc. Like was said, sometimes people stay in one place, but end up staying in other places because of different reasons (drunk, girl, weather, whatever...) I think you treat a single person a little differently, but only if you know for sure what their plans were. If they told you they were going hunting and they'll see you later, and then they don't make it back that night, I'm concerned. If it's a group of guys out hunting, and they don't return, I'm not as concerned. I think each one is different, and as a customer and not a resort owner, I appreciate knowing that someone is watching out for me while I'm there, but I would never expect someone to notice me being gone until it was very clear something wasn't right.


New member
I feel the same way when that happens but then I just say they are with others in the group and if anything should happen there are always others there to help. I don't think there has been 1 or 2 times when we have had only 1 guest staying by him or her slef. I know where she is coming from cuz there are times I feel the same way. We are lucky so far none of guests have ever been in that kind of predictiment. If they break down and can't get the sled back they always know they can call Darrell and he will come and help. He has also gone out and helped people who aren't staying with us. Some how they get our phone # and call which we are more than happy to help out. He has also taken people to the hospital and went out on a rescue mission. I alway go with the old saying "NO NEWS IS GOOD NEWS" unless is has been an unreasonable length of time.
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When Marcia owned the Seasons Lodging In Curtis she would give us a business card and have us call her if we couldn't make it back. She was like our 2nd mom, and always had goodies ready upon our return. Sure do miss her.

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Well-known member
We never seem to be able to keep to a schedule. I don't ever remember someone looking out of us. If you are concerned, it might help for you to tell your guests ahead of time that you would appreciate a call if they are going to be back later than expected. I would appreciate if someone was looking out for me, but I would like to know as I would feel bad if we came back real late some night and then we found out you were concerned, and it all could have been cleared up with a phone call saying we'll be late.

Running Bear

New member
we do get alot of single guests....and have one right now....and please don't get me wrong ......we ride, hunt and still play pretty hard and theres times when we don't show back up at home either........this will be good for my wife to hear....hope she dosen't choke me for putting her out there as a worry wart.....:)


Active member
As a courtesy you could offer to have them file a Sled plan, Hunt plan, Fish plan, or plain old nothing plan... Been workn for boats and planes for years... Could be as simple as a text or courtesy call message to verify or change the plan...

Also werks for older teens still at home...
we do get alot of single guests....and have one right now....and please don't get me wrong ......we ride, hunt and still play pretty hard and theres times when we don't show back up at home either........this will be good for my wife to hear....hope she dosen't choke me for putting her out there as a worry wart.....:)

Thank you...I would rather stay at your place then somewhere that only cares about my money.


New member
I like the Idea with the optional plan filed with you.. Sounds like a good idea.. I was at a fishing camp once and a guy lost power on Leech lake.. The owner knew when the old guy usually came back, he was about 80, and went looking and prob saved his life as the waves were knarley that day


Well-known member
never thought about it some times we get a room don't come back for days if we find good snow or a good party and a bed on the other side of the state just see it as expensive trailer and gear storage.never thought any one was up worrying except my own war department who demands at least 1 call a day when I am gone and the no cell service wont fly


New member
Thank you, I am not crazy!!! My buddy's always tease me when we go somewhere and change plans drastically enough to where we may not be back that night. I always call the place we are staying, tell them rougly when we will be back and always get a thank you. Boy I am printing this thread out and showing to them!!!!!!!!!!