how long have you been married? and do you remember the date?


New member
I will be married 37 years on May 19th and I got marfried at high noon . Like walking down the main street and ready for a gun fight at the OKAY CORRAL lol I am very happy with my man and I love him one heck of lot


New member
Sixteen years here. Proposed on the top of Two Top mountain out in the West Yellowstone area. Knelt down in the snow with a blue sky panoramic view and proposed. I'll never forget how she "chased" me down the mountain back to West Yellowstone!


New member
been married 36 years, we were married on Thurs. the 12th, woke up to Fri. the 13th! UUUUMM,AND AGAINST ALL ODDS, he was 17 I was 16, and a few weeks later came our wonderful daughter, another uuuummmm ; )


New member
July 18, 1992 so 17.5 years of wedded bliss. Remember almost everything from the day. The main thing is how fast it went by!

Team Elkhorn

Married my highschool sweetheart 28 years ago. Still going strong. Our 25th anniversary we bought each other new sleds. Now thats love.


I also married my highschool sweetheart. 23 years ago, 2 kids, one in college. Where does the time go? I am not old enough to have a kid in college!


New member
Met my wife in high school, Wed the 14th 1985. Wed got married on May 1st 1990. Unfortunately we both "lost" ourselves and were divorced on Jan 4th 2001. After a few years of getting ourselves back on track we "re-met" in 03 and still going strong. Haven't got re-hitched yet but it is coming. Always loved her, even when I didn't think I did.....(by the way don't tell her I remember all of these dates cus then I will have to start buying her stuff!!!!) ;>]


Married 4/10/76 @ 2 pm

My daughter is getting married next month on the 20th. I forgot all about the exact date. (It’s a guy thing) She wasn’t really happy with me when I emailed her this morning telling her we should plan to go riding that day because nothing was going on. I think I can now add a married termination date of 1/28/10 @ 9:30.


New member
Married feb 14th 2007 Got married and the next day we headed to the ramada in hancock and went sledding in for 3 days