How many Yoopers on this site?

Where ya live?

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New member
I'm curious to know how many of us are Yoopers and get to ride whenever we want (well, not anymore as I sold my sled, but you know what I mean).

I'll start a poll.


New member
Raised here since I was two. My parents moved up here from Evanston, Ill. So, it looks like I'm not a "yooper" in the truest sense, as in "born and raised" in the U.P.

Maybe I'm part FIB, and part Yooper?;)


Staff member
Count me as "Yooper" #3. In reality, a FIBooper, but I talk like a yooper.



Active member
I consider myself a YOOPER, was born and raised in da UP. moved to MN after getting out of Navy for better job possibilities. Family (Dad & Sister, Grandma) still live in UP. HOPE to move back or at very least retire in the UP.


New member
I'm pretty liberal in who gets to be called a yooper. If you were born here, you're a yooper no matter where you live. If you live here, you're a yooper. If you've survived at least one full winter here, you're a yooper even if you move!

I was born and raised here, then move away for education and military. Moved back and don't plan on ever moving away again!

Pizza Man

New member
Wisconsin but been coming up to snowmobile in the U.P. since the early 1970's.
I have many of the official U.P. Kromer caps.


New member
I'm pretty liberal in who gets to be called a yooper. If you were born here, you're a yooper no matter where you live. If you live here, you're a yooper. If you've survived at least one full winter here, you're a yooper even if you move!

I was born and raised here, then move away for education and military. Moved back and don't plan on ever moving away again!

Pretty much the same here. No education, per se, but took a twenty year sabbatical while in the Marines.


Wasn't born here but according to your disclaimer I guess 14 yrs here makes me a Yooper, at least as far as this poll is concerned......


It seems that most on this sight who live in the U.P. really enjoy it. When I visit I get the vibe at the restaurants/bars from a lot of the locals that they don't care for the snow or the long winters. Beings the summer season is so short I take that as they would prefer to live elsewhere. I love our annual trips up there and love all the snow but often wondered if I could handle living there. I've never gotten tired of snow but have never lived in a snow season like the U.P.s. I do run into a few up there who truly love it and consider it "gods country".

For you locals how do you think the average U.P. population feels about it. Are they stuck there with no way out or would they not have it any other way? What do most of you do for employment? From my conversations with locals it seems a lot of mining, logging. I couldn't imagine how I could possibly uproot to the yooper if I wanted to. I'm a pilot and my wife is a Speech patholigist. Maybe a small cabin up there would fit the bill for me someday!


New member
It seems that most on this sight who live in the U.P. really enjoy it. When I visit I get the vibe at the restaurants/bars from a lot of the locals that they don't care for the snow or the long winters. ......
I can't speak for the people that don't like the Winters up here, I like this time of year - I enjoy it more than the Summers.

Many folks, that can, will take off for a few weeks in the Spring. I guess they hate the sloppy, dirty snow melt. I don't care much for that time of year myself.

Upon retirement, many people will "Pull chocks" and take off for Florida, or the desert Southwest.
Like some others, I am a yooper that doesn't live there right now.
I spent my first 18 years in the copper country and still have plenty of inlaws, outlaws and friends there. I left the state for college and worked in WI and MN after that. It was a great time and place to grow up but by the time you graduate you have no illusions about what it takes to live there. There are good jobs in places but not as many as there are qualified job seekers.
Making a living there is different than growing up and I too wonder how that would go over the long term. With a stable life set up elsewhere I'm able to visit the UP many times a year and now have a couple small properties to stash toys on and expose my kids to the seasons & nature up north. If I lived in the UP and earned half or 3/4s of my current salary would I be able have much fun money? On one hand I wouldn't need a place to stay but can you really get away from it all at your everyday house? It's a mute point now with roots planted elsewhere and a wife who is not from the UP.
One thing is for sure, once you've spent whole winters in a lake effect snow belt winters farther south are easy to deal with. Just the amount of hours spent moving snow every winter take their toll. It nearly amounts to a second job, by April you're just ready for a break.
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New member
Born and raised. Now live in WI during the week and Mass City on the weekends and every day of vacation I can burn to be up there. The wife and I are planning the move full time in the next 6 or 7 years.


New member
I know someone that lives here and is a pilot for Delta Airlines. He flies the international routes I think. We have normal jobs, still lots of miners, though one of our local mines is closing down. Marquette is expanding over the next few years. Large new hospital (regional medical center size), new shopping complex with new hotel with indoor waterpark (likely), new Meijer Superstore. Not sure how it's all going to get supported, unless the hope is to turn Marquette into a shopping destination, much like Green Bay is.

I love the winters, falls, and summers. Don't care for spring. If you don't enjoy snow, you shouldn't live here. I've lived where you had cold with no snow; just not my cup of tea. I also spent almost 4 years on the island of Okinawa where it was in the 90s with 100% humidity for three months, then winter was when it dropped into the 60s during the day. Also not my cup of tea.
Always a Yooper but living in Green Bay for the past 25 years......around the corner from the gal that I took to the Calumet Junior Prom......small world


New member
91 to 93 a Yooper. Have kids and grandkids in Ironwood. After I left, [Montana 4 years & North Dakota 17 years] I still came back to the UP to snowmobile.