How much do you tip a guide?

How much is customary to tip a guide for 1 day of backcountry riding? For example, at Togwotee?

Also, what is the typical rate per day to have a guide go with you?

Thanks in advance.


New member
I would say tip them whatever they were worth to you that day. If there good as in getting you to untouched powder areas, keeping you safe, making sure you are having fun, helping dig out etc. You will probably want to tip them alot. I think we had the same guide in the snowies for 3 days and I gave him 100$ at the end of our trip. And he deserved all of it, and probably more.


New member
guide fee 75-100.00 per person is pretty normal. Tip for a group of 4 is around 100.00 per day.

Way to much money in my opinion. Get a GPS, Good topo map of the area and guide yourself :) Been doing it for years anywhere I go. Eric
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Well-known member
I think it depends on how much of your drugs and alcohol the guide consumes that night



i dont tip my guide, (ubee) i just cover all his meals, by the end of the trip,
im broke cause ubee's always eatin.


New member
right from one the guides---how much did you enjoy the day? start at 20per person and go up from their!! I tip 100$ for 3 days riding.....average 30a day!!!


New member
Group size and their (the guide) ability to deliver fun and safety makes up a tip. We have been in a group of 12 people for 5days of guiding and tipped on average $10/day/person. $600 for 5 days is fair. I would say this would be our groups minimum tip. Remember that most of the guides make min wage +tips. It really depends on what the guide is doing for you. The guides I have used have made my wife an avid rider and that in itself is worth more than I could pay him.


New member
A number of factors go into tipping that were mentioned above. The size of a group makes a difference as well. The larger the group, the lower per person cost. The smaller the group the higher per person cost. I usually tip $20 to $25/day. If the riding was awesome or there were circumstances that made the day really outstanding, the tip goes up. We also typically feed the guide, which is usually from the muff pot in the trees somewhere, but if we stop at a lodge, we buy also.


New member
Headed to TOG this March with 3 other guys. Do you typically get the same guide each day so that you can tip at the end of your trip or is it customary to tip at the end of each days ride?


New member
We typically get the same guide for the entire trip and tip at the end of the trip. If you end up having a different guide for the next day, they will tell you so that you can meet your guide that day at happy hour and settle up. If you miss them at happy hour, you can always find them in the rental shop before you leave on your last day.