Just got back with the car. All told $666 dollars in fuel. About what I figured and about the same as it would have cost to ship it. The painful part was the tolls. Just about $200 dollars, towing the trailer there and back on I90. Glad I don't have to travel that way to go snowmobiling!
Just in case anyone wants to drive to Pennsylvania to top off, you can buy gas there for $3.35! I'm kind of curious how one station just off the beaten path in Erie Pennsylvania can sell gas for .60-.70 cents less than the rest of the country???
Anyway, we had a good trip without any issues. The boy learned some valuable lessons on how to navigate the interstate system, how to tow a trailer and how to wake up at 2 am and take over the wheel. LOL! Now that I know he can do it, I figure he's primed and ready to help with the driving for a trip out west. Now I just need to figure out how to convince him to help PAY for it! LOL