how to help the wait staff during these busy times


Well-known member
I am shocked people still use checks when out and about *** is up with that .
again if they had table order tablets the consumer swipes there card at the table . 1 less thing for the server to have to deal with

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and why do we block w T F

I guess I have to get out more because the only place I ever been at with the self serve system you speak of was ironically the Minneapolis airport. It did work well.


Actually she works 26 miles due north. She also does the grocery shopping since I'm out grooming for you all; so "your" wrong.
Lets all agree that alot of the establishments up here aren't quite up to the tech levels of say Applebees; and "you're" up here, during a busy weekend, (and no snow most every where else), so it's quite busy. "your" here with a large group and the teenage kids are hungry. The two places in town are busy, so you have to stand and wait 20 minutes to get a table (because the server had to run all separate tabs) Now you get your table, they take your drink order, and you wait 10 minutes because they have to run a whole bunch more separate tabs. Now you get your drinks, food ,etc. But you had to wait to long; now your pissed and tip 10% (or less!) All I'm trying to say is: they are trying their best to serve everybody the best they can. Why can't you help them all out also?????


Well-known member
Actually she works 26 miles due north. She also does the grocery shopping since I'm out grooming for you all; so "your" wrong.
Lets all agree that alot of the establishments up here aren't quite up to the tech levels of say Applebees; and "you're" up here, during a busy weekend, (and no snow most every where else), so it's quite busy. "your" here with a large group and the teenage kids are hungry. The two places in town are busy, so you have to stand and wait 20 minutes to get a table (because the server had to run all separate tabs) Now you get your table, they take your drink order, and you wait 10 minutes because they have to run a whole bunch more separate tabs. Now you get your drinks, food ,etc. But you had to wait to long; now your pissed and tip 10% (or less!) All I'm trying to say is: they are trying their best to serve everybody the best they can. Why can't you help them all out also?????

I always recognize hustle and tip a min. of 20%. I think anyone who doesn't is a lousy tipper no matter what kind a service they get.

Thanks for the heads up I learned something about wait service.

The tech Ezra mentioned is all done on a change to be fact it eliminates staff.
I have to question how "cheap" it is to have and maintain....seems it would be in every fast food joint on the planet by now and I am not seeing it.
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Credit card lottery (agreed upon before ordering, of course). Simple, quick. The "winner" only cries for a short time, and then, at least in my group, is exempt from the next few bills......


Well-known member
I guess I have to get out more because the only place I ever been at with the self serve system you speak of was ironically the Minneapolis airport. It did work well.

I was at Sam's Club in Green Bay, WI yesterday and they sell the tablets for $149 and the small "square" for under $20, so reasonable even my Gym uses it.



Active member
I was at Sam's Club in Green Bay, WI yesterday and they sell the tablets for $149 and the small "square" for under $20, so reasonable even my Gym uses it.

Does the "small square" still only work with the magnetic stripe, or are they now able to handle the newer …
(click →) "smart cards" with the embedded chip?


Well-known member
Does the "small square" still only work with the magnetic stripe, or are they now able to handle the newer …
(click →) "smart cards" with the embedded chip?

I am not sure but I guess no.
The good thing is this product is presented to the guest and an ID can be verified reducing fraud.



Active member
… The good thing is this product is presented to the guest and an ID can be verified reducing fraud. …
Yes, at least that, and whether it reads an embedded chip or just a plain old mag stripe, without the wait staffer disappearing — out of sight — with your card!

Oh, lookie here, apparently …
(click →) several card readers already accept Chip, Magnetic Strip, and Contactless Payments!

(The first one, the "Square Credit Card Reader for iPhone, iPad and Android" doesn't yet handle other than the mag stripe, but they're apparently soon going to have a new model that does.)

Not that I'm surprised; I wouldn't expect the players to miss such a business opportunity!)
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New member
I've never really got why its so difficult to split check. Doesn't the "POS" (point of sale) system make it seperated by seat anyways? I realize some establishments in the Northwoods may yet to switch to this type of service but it makes bars run much more efficient and have less drinks getting lost in the shuffle. Watch any Bar Rescue episode and they first thing they do is install the POS system which makes splitting checks simple. Basically the server just needs to know whos' card was whos. I don't know, I get trying to help out but I've been in groups that like to indulge during meals while I have my chicken strips and water.


Active member
Another good idea would be a shock collar on the waitress,so you could zap her when she never comes back to the table....
Good idea!
That kind of wait staff behavior is too common; either that, or the opposite: overkill — they're back to refill my coffee cup repeatedly, each time just as I've got my coffee chemistry (sugar, artificial sweetener, cream or what all) adjusted correctly and taken three sips! With their elbow in my face, no less. Then ditto with filling the water glass whenever it's level is down a quarter of an inch. Gaaack! :stupid:


New member
Another good idea would be a shock collar on the waitress,so you could zap her when she never comes back to the table....

hahahhahaha..well SB would give her 20%

i would imagine UP here i avg 40% for all tabs..and dont think i have ever split to 2 or more tabs..i pay and collect always..not that hard(of course i dont ride in these monster groups so i have no experience there)
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