How to keep sledders on trail?


New member
I belong to the Oaks Ridge Riders club in Roscoe, IL. We are small town of 10k and small club. We have issues with riders ignoring trail through town and just riding where they want, in essence the shortest path to the bar of their choice.
We could shut trail down but this doesn't change the behavior or damage to our sport. Local police not interested in enforcing. Our trail connects northern IL to southern WI. If we pull trail, many in our region loose out and all clubs will suffer. What has worked with other clubs to get riders to stay on trail and not have small majority ruin it for the rest of us? The situation is pushing the club to just call it quits.


New member
Police don't mind? Then what is the issue. Those Bar riders are bringing money to town. If those boys are not Braaping up front yards at 2-3am what is the issue. get them a trail into those spots. Most towns have that. The bar owners need to be part of the clubs since they profit big time from this. I suspect you guys don't get the snow like the towns to the North and are not used to this. Shutting down trail just makes you guys look bad. The sledders are going to the bar no matter what. That is the truth. Try to make it an easy in easy out for them.


Well-known member
If the police don't care, I'm not sure I'd worry too much about it, unless they are causing issues where they are going. Why would the cops not be interested in enforcing it?


Put lots of signs and ropes where they are trespassing or going offtrail. Maybe signs that say hidden barbed wire if you dare will keep them on trail. Just a thought, bc if i saw that i would def stay on trail, not that i do go off like your saying


Active member
I belong to the Oaks Ridge Riders club in Roscoe, IL. We are small town of 10k and small club. We have issues with riders ignoring trail through town and just riding where they want, in essence the shortest path to the bar of their choice.
... Local police not interested in enforcing.... The situation is pushing the club to just call it quits.

I'm really surprised at this post. I live 8 miles from Roscoe and have family that live in town. In fact sometime we trailer to their house and ride with them from there. The Roscoe police are very interested in enforcing ALL the laws when you drive a car through town and they have watched me very closely when I've been on the sled and bought gas on the south end of town. If the sleds are creating a problem they would be the first to deal with it. I'm not sure what the problem is with off trail riding to the bars. There are not many bars in town and I bet they are all within 1/2 of the trail (maybe I'm wrong so if so, sorry) and I don't really think you have to ride through a residential area to get to one. Why do you say "the situation is pushing the club to just call it quits"? What problems have been created by these riders? Why does the club have a problem with it? Have you looked into making trails to get to these bars? Some of them are right down the road from the trail and there is plenty of room to "ditch bang". Guess I just have too many questions about some of your concerns. Don't get me wrong, I'd support you guys if there were problems and it would be a loss if the trail was closed so if that is a possibility then some action needs to be taken, but I'm just not sure who is pressuring you to make that decision.


New member
We do set up trails to go to bars in town. We put trail through town where village asked us to do so. Our fear is those choosing to go where they want and not use trail will cause push back from the community to even have a trail.
Small town near us (Rockton) stopped allowing a trail in town a few years back. Hope our concern makes more sense now.


New member
And don't get me wrong, I am happy the local police aren't chasing sleds down that are not on trail. Many of us need to go a few blocks from our house to get to trail. I just don't want it
to get to the point they are. Gary126, our local club could use your help by joining. Membership is getting to the point that we cannot sustain the the trails like we would like to.
Meetings are 3rd Tuesday of month at Roscoe VFW at 7 pm. We need more members to keep the trails going.


Active member
I'm still unclear on the source of your concerns. Has anyone complained, or is it entirely a preemptive thought your club is having? Not wanting to turn this into a very local conversation, but needing some more info to help you out here, what bar or areas of town are you most worried about?

As far as community push back and comparing Roscoe to Rockton, IMO those are 2 different town set-ups and cultures. I'm not sure you have the same issues or town "personality" they do so don't put much stock in their actions. They are looking for the "upscale" walk the streets on downtown in a snowing evening crowd. Roscoe is looking for the come to the local bar/restaurant and have a good time with friends crowd.

Again these are just my opinions from living on the fringe of your area, maybe I'm totally off base, but without knowing the real source and frequency of the complaints its hard to be too supportive of your concerns.

Team Elkhorn

Really? No one understands why the club would want to take a proactive approach when snowmobilers are wandering off the designated snowmobile route through town and riding wherever they want at all hours of the night? Living near a snowmobile trail myself, I get it.


Well-known member
I have never seen a sign that stated where we could ride off trail. Maybe it is time to mark the open areas vs. the Please Stay On Trail signs. The OEMs keep building sleds aimed at off trail riding and people are buying them. The urge to ride off trail keeps getting bigger and they have nowhere to try the new sled.

OK, maybe not too realistic.

There has to be a way to keep having fun and give some riders their taste of adventure off the trail. How about an open house with free club rides for some of the landowners? Give the riders a chance to have owners show them the best and neatest areas to ride without hurting the owners comfort or livelihood. There are many treasures hidden out there that have no trail and no problems with sledding.


Well-known member
Police don't mind? Then what is the issue. Those Bar riders are bringing money to town. If those boys are not Braaping up front yards at 2-3am what is the issue. get them a trail into those spots. Most towns have that. The bar owners need to be part of the clubs since they profit big time from this. I suspect you guys don't get the snow like the towns to the North and are not used to this. Shutting down trail just makes you guys look bad. The sledders are going to the bar no matter what. That is the truth. Try to make it an easy in easy out for them.

X2 ...I'm not seeing the issue either been awhile since I have been to Roscoe. Most snomo friendly towns let sleds travel snow covered streets to get where they need to go. Once the streets melt down bare sleds will stay on ditch marked trails. I think warm temps will take care of your concerns quickly... like today.LOL :)


X2 ...I'm not seeing the issue either been awhile since I have been to Roscoe. Most snomo friendly towns let sleds travel snow covered streets to get where they need to go. Once the streets melt down bare sleds will stay on ditch marked trails. I think warm temps will take care of your concerns quickly... like today.LOL :)

not in Illinois they don't, I was sick and tired or trying to ride in Illinois when I lived there as the cops by me were all Barney Fife's


Well-known member
not in Illinois they don't, I was sick and tired or trying to ride in Illinois when I lived there as the cops by me were all Barney Fife's

Roscoe nice little village. For me just rode about 1000 feet south of the Rt 12 exit in IL to connnect back to WI but that was many years ago. Probably far different these days. We didn't linger got thru there quickly.


New member
Thank you! If you are the ones putting in trails, fielding calls about folks riding on land they do not have permission to be on and keeping about 40 land owners happy, you get it.

- - - Updated - - -

Oh, and then there is the DNR, I'll leave this one for another day.

Grant Hoar

New member

I applaud the proactive approach you are taking - trying to do what you can before it becomes a bigger problem. If we all did that, in some way, it probably would be amazing what would change.


New member
Try putting up a signs on both ends of town.

"Here is what happens when you ride where ever you want and don't stay on the marked trails to business owners:

A) OUR club gets blamed, complaints pile up folks want to close the trails

B) The DNR gets complaints, they call us and we catch flack from everyone

C) DNR wants to close the trail completely and issue tickets to sledders

HELP US keep the trails open...please stay on the trails and go slooooowly!!