How true is this Quote


New member
"A Veteran is someone who, at one point in his life wrote a check made payable to 'The United States of America ' for an amount of 'up to and including my life.' That is Honor, and there are way too many people in this country who no longer understand it."

I don't know who said it but I do understand it.


Active member
No military my self (have authority figure issues) but have a long family history. You have to respect those that have served.
The old timers (WW2 vets) are getting old and dying off. When I see one of these vets (usually wearing hats etc) I make sure to thank them for their service. Nothing like seeing their face light up with a smile. What they did for the greater good of the world you can not pay them back in full for, ever.

Will never forget the Honor Guard showing up for my grandfathers funeral a few years back. Bag Pipes, Gun shots, the whole works.
If you didn't feel honor and respect you are not human. It was a tough day but we celebrated the heck outta his life that day. (Irish - Catholic)
He was a WW2 vet who served in the Pacific theater. Earned a bronze star among other medals but threw them all out stating the ones who made the ultimate sacrifice were the heroes.
Will never forget the christmas my aunts and grandma re ordered all of the medals and had them put in a glass case. He was not cool about it....

No intention to make it seem like those who have served in the more recent conflicts/wars are not equal to the WW2 vets.
To all vets - I thank you!

Deleted member 10829

Most of us have no idea what it means to serve in the military, especially in wartime. I have the utmost respect for our military and I think they are the best of the best of America. I know this, any veteran is much more brave than I could ever hope to be. Where would we be without our veterans? I hate to think about it. America is forever grateful to each and everyone of you!