Hug your kids!


Active member
Came up on a 13 year old girl in the trees . Poor girl was busted up good. Realize there are remote areas of the UP. We got her out. It took SAR and the Sheriff over an hour to get to the trail head. It all ended well. We got a pick up truck back in and put her on a board . Please realize how far help can be. Be safe.....


I want to thank Woodtic and everyone else that helped out today. There truly are good people out there. They offered up their truck and everything. Can't say enough. Thank You.
Glad everything worked out! Very happy there are people willing to help until emergency responders can arrive. In my line of work we go on these types of calls a half dozen times a season and to us it seems like it takes forever to arrive on scene and to parents or loved ones it seems even longer. Hits home with me tonight because I just arrived home from riding two days in northern Minnesota with my 12 year old.


Well-known member
How is she doing? Just a broken leg?

Yikes good thing you came along Tic. I had simular experience in IR woods a few years ago not far from town a young lady ran off trail and was stuck. So I stopped and helped her get back on trail. I asked her how long she was stuck and she said 2 hours. I was like Ohhh that's a long time anything else I can do? She said she was cold and would ride home I was ok with that seemed aok.


Active member
So glad she will be ok. I was one of over 20 people helping your family out. When people found out it was a little girl,it turned it up a notch.


New member
Today our Granddaughter went home. She is an amazing strong girl through all of this. She stayed calm through the whole thing. She has never shed a tear or complained. Her dad said she did very well on the 4 1/2 hr trip home. She has a long road of healing. Praise God she is with us today. Thank you all for all of your help & prayers.


Active member
Glad she is home. The only scream she made was when the air board was put under her. She is no doubt a trooper.


Well-known member
Amazing story. Tough girl.

Awesome job with the rescue. It can be very tough to get recovery teams in to the woods.


If this is the same accident that was texted to me, I saw the xray where her bone is 4" apart in the break. It was so bad, I thought it was a joke.

Glad to hear she is recovering well.


New member
Update on our granddaughter. Just talked to her and she said she is doing good. Therapy is hard and hurts but does it everyday. She goes back to Dr. tomorrow for the first time after she got home. Anxious to hear what she finds out. Want to thank everyone again for all the help and for all the thoughts & prayers.


Active member
Update on our granddaughter. Just talked to her and she said she is doing good. Therapy is hard and hurts but does it everyday. She goes back to Dr. tomorrow for the first time after she got home. Anxious to hear what she finds out. Want to thank everyone again for all the help and for all the thoughts & prayers.

That is good news. Hope she gets back to 100% before long.


New member
Update on our Granddaughter: She is still in a wheelchair until 2-9-17. If things continue to go as good as they have been then she will go to a walker or crutches for 2 months. She went back to school yesterday for the first time since the accident. Her orthopedic in WI says the surgeons in Marquette did a wonderful job in putting things back together. He has already seen bone growth which he says is unusual & don't see that happen until 6-8 weeks. It has been 4 weeks. The rod in her leg and the plate & screws in her hip will come out in about 1 year. She is amazingly strong. No tears through all of this. All of our prayers have helped Thanks again.


Active member
Great to hear! Be sure to keep giving us some updates as things progress and tell her she has a lot of fans here on JohnDee.Com