Huron Manistee National Forest petition


New member

Signed. I attended one of the information meetings being held by the Forest Service. You can still submit comments on their websight but that ends today. I asked what would happen next and how long it would take. He stated that these things typically take a couple years but it will be up to the judge. He can shorten it but only so much. There are laws the require certain amounts of time for public comment and input and they have to allow enough time to redo the study. It is ridiculous that there are people out there that cannot share and think they are so important thet what they want is above everyone else. Now I know where those kids went that were selfish little brats when i was groing up. You know the ones that you simply did not want to hang aroud with because the ALWAYS had to have there way. I better stop now. My blood pressure is going up. Stay involved in this one. If they get this, it will be a foothold and they will keep on going.


Out of state

Because we are from out-of-state, I sent a personal email to the Senator. I expressed our thanks for his support of the in state snowmobilers and for those out-of-staters, who spend many many hours and thousands of dollars traveling to destinations all over the state to ride.
