I am proud to introduce....


Staff member
The Keweenaw Snowmobile Club!

The club has been formed to help raise funds to maintain the snowmobile trails in the Keweenaw. All of the funds raised will go towards grooming, signing, brushing and the biggie...A NEW GROOMER BARN! Our current facility for storing the groomers in Mohawk is in sad shape and is beyond repair. We hope to raise enough funds to get a brand new, purpose-built, facility constructed to store the machines. Who knows, maybe a call out will be made to members and anyone else wanting to help erect the new building next summer or two.

The cost to be a member is $25 a year. Besides supporting the snowmobile program in the Keweenaw, being a member of the club allows you to take advantage of a rewards program, in which local businesses will be offering specials to club members. We are still working on getting the specials, but will have them in place by the start of the season.

Members will get a membership card and sticker (both currently in the process of manufacturing).

If you are going to the Milwaukee Snowmobile Show this weekend or the Novi Show in a few weeks, be sure to stop by the Keweenaw Booth and sign up. If not, you can also sign up via the website. We can accept credit cards via paypal both on the site and at the shows, as well as checks/cash at the shows and checks via the postal service.

Thanks and can't wait to get this thing cranking!



Well-known member
Lmao. Trail conditions: "The protective mat for Da Bridge is not down yet, come to think of it, neither is the bridge.
Please stay off the water... eh"


Active member
I'm now a member! Maybe we'll start getting a bigger crowd for the clean-up weekends with this too :)


Staff member
Is this a new club John? What club or clubs were doing the grooming before? Did they just merge into one club?

The club was created to help raise funds for the trail maintainence. Keweenaw Trails Services will still be the grant sponsor and is actually the parent entitiy of the club.



Just joined tonight.........Lets see how many JDers will join, come on guys, pile on this bandwagon...............

The club was created to help raise funds for the trail maintainence. Keweenaw Trails Services will still be the grant sponsor and is actually the parent entitiy of the club.



Super Moderator
Staff member
I just joined my 3rd snowmobile club! One day I'll own Da Yoop!
Lets all help um out and join eh?
what's $25 a year to own a piece of what we all love?
Good luck John and company!
And to think some day I'll probably own a trail sled!
Scottiking OUT


New member
Just joined. Spending 10 days in Jan and 11 days in Feb in LLB area. Least I could do. Need to make it up next year for trail clean up.