I can't believe people......


Well-known member
........ARE SO DUMB!!!!!!
I know nothing should surprise me anymore. 10" heavy snow why are you even trying to drive your little car or minivan in this!?
Got driveway cleaned up wife was suppose to leave for work, told her she's not going anywhere even in her Jeep Cherokee till our roads plowed.
Took my truck and made tracks and made it out main road but too deep for most vehicles so I just took her to work.
Get there and just starting plowing her lot. There's a guy stuck in a car in front store. No shovel, no gloves!!! Go turn my truck around and right on my tail is someone driving a little smart car!!!!
I high tailed it out there. Don't mine helping people in need but don't have common sense to stay home awhile or be prepared then start shoveling!!
Still no plow down our street either.


Sounds like the people down here driving through all the flood waters, (I live about 1hr south of Springfield IL) people die everyday doing it and with all the news coverage there are still plenty of idiots out there that do it everyday.

old abe

Well-known member
I have been driving for many years. Many drivers today are just plain idiots! Worse yet, many of these idiots are arrogant also. This creates the worst in them, and accidents.


Active member
I passed soooo many people last night in my little Jetta. Its amazing what snow tires can do. Its almost like they are made for snow.... Go figure.


Well-known member
I don't mind people taking their small cars out in the snow, I've been doing it since the beginning of my driving career which is closing in on 35 years. Small cars with the right tires do just fine if you know how to drive.

What gets me, is the people that are unprepared going out in the snow. No boots, no gloves, no hat, no shovel, hells bells, even no jacket. I swear at lunch today I saw three different people walk into Subway WITH SANDLES ON!! One kid with flip flops!! Seriously? These are the people that when they do get stuck, rely on everyone else to take care of them, and they EXPECT that help right away, because they have a cell phone and that fixes everything.


I'm glad I don't plow snow anymore. But I guess this is the wrong place to mention that the biggest pains in the backside while plowing were always the 4x4s that should have stayed home until the roads were cleared. If I had a $100 for every time I had to avoid a 4x4 that spun out in front of me. Or one that asked me to pull them out of a snowbank. Or help someone get out of an SUV in a ditch on its side, I could have retired by now. :eek:


Super Moderator
Staff member
Well maybe some people had to get to work because they have no sick time to use, or vacation time, and can't afford a day off with no pay?


Well-known member
Snow tires are great but.not to many people run them. Didnt mean make sound like trucks are only way to go either. But when there's 10+ people need to know the limits have some common sense.
That's why didn't let wife leave at 5:30 am. No sickdays for her either but gonna cost alot more for towtruck and even more if there's damage then your gonna make in a day. Little patience better to be couple hours late.
Anyways go to pick wife up at 3pm and they're plow contactor basically left after only a few passes. Parking lot was total disaster, people stuck everywhere. Just about to leave guy asks if I'll pull him out slid into unplowed area. 2wd subarban. He says I don't have rope, or shovel. Yeah,yeah I got it.


eagle 1 you are scared of a smart car in your big 4x4? 10" and smart car on your tail maybe you should have just stayed home? lol alot of people go to work in these condition because they have to. they have to make a living i drive 90-130 miles a day for work never missed a day for weather and have never been in the ditch i leave early and take my time about 1 hour early maybe that is the only car they can afford does not make them dumb just dedicated!!


Well-known member
Guess you guys are just braver then me.
Watied for wife to come out just watching all these minivans, front wheel drive just burry it. Just don't get why you try go thru that much snow. Plus this snow was very dense very easy to get stuck in.
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Well-known member
eagle 1 you are scared of a smart car in your big 4x4? 10" and smart car on your tail maybe you should have just stayed home? !
Ha,ha I had just turned down an unplowed aisle and was gonna back up and she was right on me. Turns out she was a customer and was bitching at the wife why the lot wasn't plowed. Really lady, 6:30/in morning and you just have to go to the grocery store!? Like I said not much common sense or patience now days.


Well-known member
Here's another one. You own a $150k house in Wisconsin...... buy a snowblower!!!!
Did 3 others today now I'm beat and off to work. :/
Thanks for letting me rant, hopefully I'll be in better mood tomorrow. :)


New member
People today lack common sense......... but then again people do need to get to work...... still a smart car ?!?!?! Really *** were they thinking.. stupid is as stupid does... a little common sense goes a LONG WAYS.



I have snow tires on my Prius and love it in the snow, but that has its limitations also. Anything over 4", the 4x4 GMC comes out. I plow and I see all kinds of stupid out there! I get people have to go to work, but when your driving like the road has a 1" a snow and my F550 4x4 with a plow and 3 tons of salt is laboring to get to the next lot, you deserve the ditch!

old abe

Well-known member
X2 ModMan 440! It's all about "common sense"!!!! I agree with Skylar, many people today don't have much "off" time as to work.


one of my renters has a scion he is always bitchen about it i told him YOU bought it my snowmobile trailer/snowblower have bigger tires i told him it looks like a go cart in his yard yesterday i drove by and he was stuck i pulled him out and told him to leave it in the garage until spring, eagle 1 your wife should have told the lady to get a snow shovel and start shoveling the lot i plowed snow for 30 years and could go on with a 100's of stories like your wife had. on another note we got 8" on monday went out with the groomer about 4 miles each direction nothing but water was trying to pan so it would freeze up not looking good in central WI


I don't mind people taking their small cars out in the snow, I've been doing it since the beginning of my driving career which is closing in on 35 years. Small cars with the right tires do just fine if you know how to drive.

What gets me, is the people that are unprepared going out in the snow. No boots, no gloves, no hat, no shovel, hells bells, even no jacket. I swear at lunch today I saw three different people walk into Subway WITH SANDLES ON!! One kid with flip flops!! Seriously? These are the people that when they do get stuck, rely on everyone else to take care of them, and they EXPECT that help right away, because they have a cell phone and that fixes everything.

are these also the people driving 20 mph in the left lane while they are on their phone? :)


New member
We were leaving the job site in the middle of Monday's sleet storm and this idiot in a little car was weaving through the traffic and running with two tires in the slush line on a four lane highway. This guy finally spun out right into the path of a UPS semi and got T-boned hard. We were close enough to see the look on his face just before the semi plowed into him. It ticks me off because if he had spun the other way it would have been us in our work van smacking into him.