I have a slight problem with this



there seems to be a common theme here with many people saying that it is minor compared to all the other bad stuff in the world. This commonality proves my point by saying what we as society find acceptable is in an evolving state. So I am correct in saying that what was once unacceptable is now acceptable.

I will agree I am old fashioned but for the sole reason that I subscribe to a standard of truth. As a Christian I stand firm on a standard of truth that is changeable by nothing. IMO society does not dictate what is acceptable or unacceptable and like myself, there is still a healthy portion of the population that see's things in the same perspective. My views do not make me better than others and I do understand why this topic exists. All I can do is put my money where my mouth is and practice what I preach. Also, I can raise my kids in the same manner just as any other parent will raise there children according to their world view. Personally I believe there is a great freedom in not accepting what I believe is wrong as right. My conscience is clear and there is no conflict. In my world view, the standard of truth has been determined, not by man and I do not challenge it but rather I accept it and embrace it.

Well,,,,enough for me,,the worlds problems are not solved in a day,,,,as they say.


Lennie, The USA is not the end all of everything. It used to be but not anymore. There are a lot of places in the world that still have the values and virtues that are firmly rooted in you. Look outside the box. If thngs are happening here that you don't agree with you don't have to stay here. In another five years things are going to be a lot different. Nevermind the last 25. There are other places to live that are not only cheaper but still have the a lot of the things that are important to you. Me too. The average democracy lasts 200 years. It usually implodes rather than get conquered. We are on borrowed time. We are rotting from within. Time to move on. Take your kids with you. I am. Will miss the snow but Sea Doo makes a pretty good wetbike.


Lennie, The USA is not the end all of everything. It used to be but not anymore. There are a lot of places in the world that still have the values and virtues that are firmly rooted in you. Look outside the box. If thngs are happening here that you don't agree with you don't have to stay here. In another five years things are going to be a lot different. Nevermind the last 25. There are other places to live that are not only cheaper but still have the a lot of the things that are important to you. Me too. The average democracy lasts 200 years. It usually implodes rather than get conquered. We are on borrowed time. We are rotting from within. Time to move on. Take your kids with you. I am. Will miss the snow but Sea Doo makes a pretty good wetbike.

where are u thinking? I am not considering leaving but do understand your point,,well taken! You know the Christian saying from the good book itself, we are in the world but not of the world. No doubt we are on a course in an ugly direction. I wish so bad we could discuss this deeper but it would break the rules, kinda ironic in a sense. There is a verse that describes this transition from right to wrong. Paraphrase obviously but it says in the last days the good will become bad and the bad will become good. If that ain't happening than I'll buy a polaris,,,lol


New member
where are u thinking? I am not considering leaving but do understand your point,,well taken! You know the Christian saying from the good book itself, we are in the world but not of the world. No doubt we are on a course in an ugly direction. I wish so bad we could discuss this deeper but it would break the rules, kinda ironic in a sense. There is a verse that describes this transition from right to wrong. Paraphrase obviously but it says in the last days the good will become bad and the bad will become good. If that ain't happening than I'll buy a polaris,,,lol

looks like no Polaris in your future then.


New member
Lennie, The USA is not the end all of everything. It used to be but not anymore. There are a lot of places in the world that still have the values and virtues that are firmly rooted in you. Look outside the box. If thngs are happening here that you don't agree with you don't have to stay here. In another five years things are going to be a lot different. Nevermind the last 25. There are other places to live that are not only cheaper but still have the a lot of the things that are important to you. Me too. The average democracy lasts 200 years. It usually implodes rather than get conquered. We are on borrowed time. We are rotting from within. Time to move on. Take your kids with you. I am. Will miss the snow but Sea Doo makes a pretty good wetbike.

Enlighten us with these places that are "Cheaper" and better. And what is meant by cheaper?


Belize, Costa Rica, Equador, Panama, most of Mexico, Thailand, Vietnam, New Zealand, Australia, virtually any South American country. For starts you don't even need a furnace in most if not all of these countries. The reason for that is that these places are WARM virtually year round. Unlike this area where over half the days of the year suck from a weather standpoint. Most of these countries have universal healthcare and the care is equal to or better than the system we have here. Plus it costs less. You can buy a furnished condo in Equador by the ocean for $1300/ month. You get a maid and a cook and a pool with that too. As far as governments I would rather choose a dictator that shares a just a few of my thoughts rather than being slowly sucked dry by our 'system'. But hey - don't take my word for it. Jump on the 'net and do a little research of your own. I myself have no plans to spend my 'golden years' shoveling snow and freezing to death. I would rather expire on the beach with a nice rum drink in one hand and a big fat stogie in the other.


Well-known member
Enjoy your "golden years".

I,myself, would rather expire standing in 3' of white gold in the great U.P. or northern WI, than sweating nuts off on some beach down south. Summer all year long sounds more like a nightmare than a dream to me. Summer sucks.
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