I just thought I'd share


Well-known member
Really sorry. Many thoughts and prayers. Too much hate and a country that's getting too far detached from it's moral compass.


Active member
Thoughts and prayers to the family. He must have been truly special for you to have thought so highly of him. A shame to lose someone of that caliber at a young age. This world just seems to have become an absolute mess.


Active member
Sorry to hear about this, what a horrible tragedy. Morals in General have gone to ****. My wife and I were just talking about it this morning. You can't even go into a restaurant anymore without encountering Someone that is just screwed. We have been to two family oriented events in the last two weeks with people smoking Pot openly. I have nothing against the stuff, but at a community pool and park with little kids all over? I just shake my head.


Active member
Do you know of a possible “gofundme” or other option where we could make a contribution? I’m in for a contribution for this