I Will Be Homeless April 17th


Well-known member
If you want the full bum experiance I'll come out and roll yur d**bazz.....LOL you goin soft inda head?, why you participatin in this liberal do nuthin feel good BS???
My kid came home and said she had to join in on a libby driven HS fiassco called a "sleep out"...I called the teacher/organizer and said my kidd won't be par ticipating, so she asks why, I told her we are taking her to some JOB interveiws that evening to land a JOB , so she wouldn't end up onda street someday....Good luck , and forget the couch, couches are for closers!!!!!LOL


Well-known member
I may be joining you tax,s are due on the 15th and I will be deep in the hole prob looking for a nice refrigerator box with a view of the interstate


New member
lol! I am going to do it more for the experience and see how it feels to have nothing so I have that in my mind. That way I know that I never want to be there. "Couches are for closers" hilarious!
I have to ask this....

Why do you need to do a "Sleep Out" to see what it feels like to have nothing? I would just be thankful for what you do have and leave it at that. Do you really need to "Feel" what it would be like to be homeless to "Know" that you never want to end up that way? Personally I don't ever need to "Feel" what it's like. I know I won't like it and I feel bad for people that have lost everything. I also know that some homeless people are homeless by CHOICE because it is easier for them to be homeless that it is to find a job, go to work, pay bills and keep up a household!!

Just my $0.02


New member
Yeah I totally agree Todd. I do appreciate what I have and know that I would never want to loose that. I fight the fight. I just think it may be an interesting experience. I know there are folks that choose to be homeless... and some that play the part. Some of those guys make a serious $ asking for change...

I was more in for the experience. I know it isn't for everyone. I was interested in participating, so we will see how it goes.


Well-known member
Yeah I totally agree Todd. I do appreciate what I have and know that I would never want to loose that. I fight the fight. I just think it may be an interesting experience. I know there are folks that choose to be homeless... and some that play the part. Some of those guys make a serious $ asking for change...

I was more in for the experience. I know it isn't for everyone. I was interested in participating, so we will see how it goes.

If yur gonna do this do it right!
Make sure you stop bathing at least 7 days prior.
Panhandle your azz off!!!! Do you have any entrtainment skills?
Even if you don't ,...ppl might pay you to stop.
Sneak in your laptop and let us know how the panhandling goes,....I might pay you a visit.....


Well-known member
don't forget the jug of old bumpy face gotta smell like cheep whine and piss as you sway side to side asking for money.


Well-known member
I got one a them mid nineties teal, lavender and checkered flag sportin Poo jackets you can borrow....but you gotta wear it no matter how warm or cold it is outside,...let me know and I can let tha dog sleep on it till you pick it up......


Well-known member
that is funny. there is a guy I see in mpls with that coat and I saw him the other day on the exit ramp with his sign coat unzipped with a 1/2 shirt with his gut hanging out


New member
Do homeless people pay mortgages, taxes, or utilities?

Can you imagine the stress-free life you would have if you did not have to pay any of these.

Talk about FREEDOM.


Will work for food

Go ahead, offer them a job or food, they will always say NO. It only encourages them, NEVER give them anything it only keeps them in your neighborhood. Most cities have laws against panhandling. Have a good day and keep on workin'.


New member
I will be participating in the PADS Sleep out April 17th. I need to raise some donations in the mean time. http://tiny.cc/Homeless Thanks Folks!!

Thank you for what you are doing. Awareness of the actual problem of homelessness needs to be increased, because the problem is increasing more quickly now than it has in years.

For a lot of others from this thread, yes there are still those who have ruined their lives by their own hands and by their own choice. But, there are many now who have had their lives destroyed by the realities of living at, not above, their means for many years with the assumption that everything would basically stay close to the same as they had been for a long time, only to have their jobs be taken away, and little to no hope of finding anything close to what they had, leaving them to wait for the foreclosure to happen regardless of the efforts they made to try to find anyone willing to hire them. A lot of people are not employable right now due to pre-existing health conditions that make them a liability to any decent paying potential employer's health plans, and are "overqualified" (meaning too old or too experienced to be cheap labor) to get even jobs as convenience store clerks, or other similar entry level positions. Also, why hire somebody older or less healthy or literally overqualified like that when an employer can choose amongst young healthy and cheap laborers? That is counter to the main goal of business, profitability through reduction of labor cost.

So, to end this soapbox rant, stop assuming that the homeless are always drunks or addicts or that they are thieves or that they deserve to be "rolled" just because they are in that situation. Also, please don't make fun of their plight...one day, you or someone you know might end up that way yourself. Judgement can be funny that way.


Well-known member
We need to be more dependant on family and church based org. to solve the problem and NOT government programs that WASTE the $$ given to it out of the taxpayers pockets, which results in LESS $$ in the private sector, which then causes the very problem it sets out to solve through programs that grow into bloated bureaurocracys that are constantly extorting MORE $ from those it claims to serve,....vicious circle ain't it?????
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