I will be participating in the PADS Sleep out April 17th. I need to raise some donations in the mean time.
http://tiny.cc/Homeless Thanks Folks!!
Thank you for what you are doing. Awareness of the actual problem of homelessness needs to be increased, because the problem is increasing more quickly now than it has in years.
For a lot of others from this thread, yes there are still those who have ruined their lives by their own hands and by their own choice. But, there are many now who have had their lives destroyed by the realities of living at, not above, their means for many years with the assumption that everything would basically stay close to the same as they had been for a long time, only to have their jobs be taken away, and little to no hope of finding anything close to what they had, leaving them to wait for the foreclosure to happen regardless of the efforts they made to try to find anyone willing to hire them. A lot of people are not employable right now due to pre-existing health conditions that make them a liability to any decent paying potential employer's health plans, and are "overqualified" (meaning too old or too experienced to be cheap labor) to get even jobs as convenience store clerks, or other similar entry level positions. Also, why hire somebody older or less healthy or literally overqualified like that when an employer can choose amongst young healthy and cheap laborers? That is counter to the main goal of business, profitability through reduction of labor cost.
So, to end this soapbox rant, stop assuming that the homeless are always drunks or addicts or that they are thieves or that they deserve to be "rolled" just because they are in that situation. Also, please don't make fun of their plight...one day, you or someone you know might end up that way yourself. Judgement can be funny that way.