If I am using Star Tron fuel treatment can I skip the iso?


New member
I have been using Star Tron fuel treatment this year without isopropal-
I use straight gas (no ethenal) whenever possible-
can I skip the iso?


Well-known member
star tron is all you need.
on a side note I got 3 cases of startron at home depot this fall for .20 cents a bottle cha-ching love the HD close outs


Do people really have that much trouble with the gasoline they buy that they need to run all these additives?

Not trying to start something but I am curious, what's wrong with the gas coming out of the pump the way it is?


Well-known member
just 1 burn down on day 2 of a 5 day trip 100mi from the truck from watter in your gas you will carry fuel additive to.
and don't get me started on Marena gas for the boat.
the corn makes it even worse like a sponge sucking watter from the air.heck the corn additive is full of watter
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New member
Do people really have that much trouble with the gasoline they buy that they need to run all these additives?

Not trying to start something but I am curious, what's wrong with the gas coming out of the pump the way it is?

Yes they do. Ethanol sucks and it absorbs water and separates into a non burnable solution that simultaneously reduces your fuels octane rating.


I might be worried if I buy fuel out of a 55 gallon drum out behind a bar somewhere but never from the pump.

I never liked the idea of putting anything in my "gas" tank that wasn't "gas".

I never realized people had that much trouble with the gas they buy.


New member
it sounds like you have life time supply or more of star tron, would you be willing to let a case go ? I will be riding out of Mass City this weekend .
cell phone is 612-889-9009


Well-known member
I never liked the idea of putting anything in my "gas" tank that wasn't "gas"

and yet you dump corn watter in to your tank with out a 2nd thought.

I am down to a 38 spark plug life style but close to 1/2 of those plugs burn some fuel real fast then the boat holds 100 gal. fill that a few times a yr.
then a bud or 2 stops buy in the fall empty handed to winterise there boat.
the star tron goes faster than you would think