I'm nervous


So two of my friends bought new sleds this year. My snowmobile club just got a tractor to groom trails with. First one in years. And on top of that I am going on a honeymoon to the Dominican Republic December 8th through the 17th. I have a bad feeling that the winter is not going to be the best. Should I be worried?


So two of my friends bought new sleds this year. My snowmobile club just got a tractor to groom trails with. First one in years. And on top of that I am going on a honeymoon to the Dominican Republic December 8th through the 17th. I have a bad feeling that the winter is not going to be the best. Should I be worried?

That's it...you've ruined it for the rest of us. It's all your fault!


New member
If I were you, I'd be more concerned about getting married than snow for the year. :)

Are you married now? If not.....there's still time!!!! :)


Active member
Sweet!! Im going to the yoop the second weekend you are on your honeymoon. Should be tons of snow now.....lol


New member
Instead of going somewhere warm for the honeymoon switch it up and go west young man!!! Thats what we did for our honeymoon!!!! It was a RIOT..... Snowmobiling in Togwotee with a honeymoon suite....


Well-known member
only thing I would be worried about is all the German tourists that go the DR for vacation and like to sport the speedos and the women go topless.you say sounds great till you realize they are 90% over 55 and over 2bills not a pretty site floundering around on the beach and it will haunt you.
don't think you will have any luck with marlin that time of yr but in aug sept great marlin fishing
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