Indoor Spider Killer ?


I have the utmost respect for my wife ( we call her the colonel ). I don't know how I got dooped into that racist comment. My wife has skills that I lack, she is " nice to people " , even keeled, runs a laundry business which I'm most grateful for, works all day, only comes out to the mancave for a quick smoke from time to time. She has other qualities that I'm failing to mention and pretty much guides the kids with a voice of reason. Since I'm the only 16 yr old in the house, she just keeps me & the dog around for company. That should sum it up.

Your 16 years old and have a wife and kids?


New member
I use Raid fumigators. They come in a three pack and work great. They give off an odorless smoke death cloud that works great. I have had the best results bombing both houses in the fall. Make sure you place them on a fire proof surface, they can get hot. The colder outside the better the results. These tend to work great for spiders and the lady bugs and keep the crib bug free for the winter. They run around $10 to $12 dollars for a three pack. Make sure you air out the house before you go back in!!!