Indy 500 Secondary Wear


New member
What would cause this type of wear on the helix & on the inside of the shaft? The two grooves that are worn into the side of the helix are not very deep but the side of the button post is getting a little thin. The only thing I can think of is that this button was wearing out faster than the others because the clutch was out of balance.

Does anyone have a secondary they don't need?

Thanks - Skutr

Indy 500 Helix.jpg Indy 500 Secondary.jpg


Well-known member
Looks like the spring rubbing on it. I wouldn't worry about it, clean it up and put new buttons in it and a spring. That's all I'd do...


New member
Look at that - wear marks on the spring. Makes sense looking at the wear marks on the helix. Thanks :cool:

Indy 500 Spring.jpg