Insurance companies websites for wrecked sleds

Builder Bob

New member
Available from Insurance companies?
The insurance company does not have any interest. They want it gone.
How many sleds are 5 years or newer and totaled, per year? Not many.

If we compare totaled cars with totaled sleds, the best the insurance company can do is place an imaginary value on the totaled vehicle and offer it for sale. Or best offer, or auction. Every day it is on their books cost money.
Surely these is a list of "wholesalers" that buy. Junk yards in example. Car or sled junkyards.
Maybe the dealer is interested?
How about the previous owner?,,
Best of Luck,


Well-known member
I can say this a good hand full come in to my buds shop a yr and only a few were worth buying from insurance before copart came to pick them up . and I watched them and most went for over what insurance would have sold them for .
got to be careful when buying totaled sleds