So, here goes, I have been stressed out big time lately, so bad that I have considered selling the machines. I am sick and tired of hearing about, and seeing, all the idiotic morons that ride. Recently heard about a severly intoxicated rider that was riding in an area clearly not a trail and was "caught" He argued, got into a fight, etc. Also, tired of being associated with the idoits that can't follow the rules. Ride off the marked trails, in farmers fields, through peoples yards, racing side by side into oncoming sleds etc, etc. WHY must there be so many idiots??? I am trying to teach my son the proper ethics and ettiquite to ride safely. Difficult to do when grown adults can't do it. And, lastly, PLEASE DON'T DRINK AND RIDE!!! With the horsepower these things have, we don't need to add impaired judgement on top of it!