Investing in the companys we love


New member
Whitedust, Well maybe Bearrassler, good call, Ford has made me liquid, bought in at 2.50 to 10.50, 13.200 shares, I only worry when I sell, and I just did by a ford, but I did not sell Ford stock, Its a buyers market was at mid 50ish in 1999, high of 18.xx in feb, and it will go huge when oil drops a bit, then sales pick back up. But I went big on it, 30% of what I had, sold the losers, took some gains, pd some tax's. [hate that] 3m , hormel , best buy, phizer, 3 oil stocks, some game stocks, ect. Has made me able to retire. All Midwest Comp's.[most] I sell the losers in Dec and hope my picks get better, take the loss to offset profit, if any. I run 25-35 stocks, 4-7 money markets. Keep some cash on hand for quickies. And get aggressive on 1-3 if things look good. Last 3 years I hit. Last 26 yrs before was a long climb, started with 35k, but the dot com era was good. Still take some big hits, HP. Poor Memory now, ect. Luck, time, and pataince. Some I still own from the 80's 1500. is 45g. and keeps growing. Still not balling, but I keep my debt to almost nothing and live cheap, take lots of time off, try to enjoy life. BTW, my father was ACE Corp attorney before, never considard the stock, Polaris had a good ride in the early 90's, nothing I would look at now, would have been better luck off with Cray, IBM, and if you got lucky Microsoft, Google, Ebay, ect. Costco, ect. . So many choices. Start young, retire early, if your lucky. This would be a very long thread to discuss 30 years of the market.

In my best Hank voice from King of the Hill show...."ummm what in the h*ll are talking about Bobby?" Just Joking, thanks for the info..:)


New member
In my best Hank voice from King of the Hill show...."ummm what in the h*ll are talking about Bobby?" Just Joking, thanks for the info..:)

That is funny AG, I reread that post this am, should have just said, "I agree." But wheres the humor in that? [Might of had the beer goggles on] Do the math if you had bought 50 or 100k of AC? Wall Street is still one of my fav. movies. Look how well that worked out for them. LOL


Well-known member
That is funny AG, I reread that post this am, should have just said, "I agree." But wheres the humor in that? [Might of had the beer goggles on] Do the math if you had bought 50 or 100k of AC? Wall Street is still one of my fav. movies. Look how well that worked out for them. LOL

AC not out of the woods by a long shot to go long but if it floats your boat go for it. Watch AC every month for down turn then bail when it slips. Low snow winters & warranty costs on new platforms can be a profit killer. Ac not diverse IMO money gets tight & they are screwed nothing you have to have.:eek:


New member
After rereading the thread title, "Investing in Companies we love". I would have to say that's why I put the bulk of it into Companies that "I" have started, and nurtured. I never did "love" Enron anyways. And it most certainly didn't love me.