Is Arctic Cat F5 big enough??


Team Elkhorn

Heavy and ugly. Fire Cat rides on rails, beats the twin spar in handling any day.
Ill give you heavy. But ugly? Coming on JD and saying someones sled is heavy and ugly, is like saying someone significant other is heavy and ugly.:rolleyes: And ask my son's buddy how a Twin Spar rails after we pulled his Saber Cat out of the weeds a time or two.;)


Well-known member
Heavy and ugly. Firecat rides on rails, beats the twin spar in handling any day.

I agree its ugly. Of course that's just an opinion, but then again I think all the new sleds are ugly (I like the clam shell look better). I have never heard anything other than the twin spar is a great chassis. I haven't ridden one, but the cat guy in our group has (he currently has a firecat 700), and he was blown away by the ride of the twin spar compared to his firecat. I like the ride and handling of his firecat, it just sits low for my tastes now that I am used to my fusion.


New member
I have a 2011 Z1 LXR 4 stroke non turbo.... Heavy, and ugly, that's what I thought at first... I went on 5 of those 40+ mile test drives of the 1st year power steering Yamahas.. Beautiful engines and were awesome to drive, except for me at 6'4", still too much like an old body style ride, plus the $15,000 price ( at the time you could get a new chev Malibu for $16,000 on sale! ) then I bought the Z1 for $5000 less. I was amazed how precise, and easy the Z1 steered. the steering was the same or better as the million dollar Yamaha. Ride as good or better than my '05 Ski-Doo GSX limited 600 SDI (cushy trail sled ). My Heavy Ugly Z1 to me turned into a thing of beauty!! I had a new "04 sabercat 600 LXR and it was an OK machine, but the rider forward Ski-doo and now the Z1 are far superior for seating position,ride and comfort. I also had an '08 Yamaha Phazer which actually had a great seating position for tall riders.... Again, get a rider forward.. One more thing, if you go to the U P just one time this year, maybe rent snowmobiles and test drive the new stuff... Good luck and keep us posted!
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Team Elkhorn

Cat man, to get back on topic. My Wife's Cat has the 500 motor without the power valves and the more basic fuel injection, and its an overachiever, plenty of power.

Even though its lugging around that heavy, ugly twinspar chassis,lol.;)


New member
Indy, why don't you like the twin spar? That chassis is supposed to be an incredible ride. I like the way the firecats ride but I haven't ridden a twin spar.

I have a '02 zr800 that I thought rode way better than the mid 90s it replaced. Then I bought a 04 F6 for the wife to ride, then suddenly, the zr was a crappy ride compared to the f cat. Picked up a '08 F8 sno pro a couple yrs ago for myself and suddenly....... I'm back to riding the zr or f cat.... My wife stole my f8 and won't give it back. Says it ride too nice. :(


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New member
I'm 6'4" and 320 lbs. and have a '09 F5LXR. Plenty fast for me, 75-80 mph. Great get up and go. The rider forward is the best invention in sledding in the past decade. Sled handles excellently and does not beat you up like old style. Also has adjustable seat and handlebars to tune your riding position. Have to get at least an '07 to get these features. I highly recommend it.


New member
My 2011 F-5 LXR also has a nice big 12.somethin gallon gas tank.. Decent mileage, big tank, can use cheaper mineral oil due to no power valves.. Takes off like it has a bigger engine, rides good steers good, I put a tall windshield on it, it has the adjustable seat and handlebars. Warm and comfy, it's a better machine than I thought it would be.. A tic heavier than a Ski-Doo XP, but tunnel and running boards lots stiffer. Nice machine.


New member
I had an 03 f5 snopro in 03 and bought a 06 f6 snopro in 06.....Like ezra said the 03 f5 motor had some power to it, the chassis compared to 06 was heavy!!!!Here is what i think reading your post about what sled for the riding your looking to said your 220lb that might be a bit big for that motor BUT the 03f5 ran with the 600 across lks and such!!!!BUT it was a dud in the deep snow the 13 wide track did not work well in the deep stuff the f6 with same set up as the f5 did OK in the deep but not good.......I did alot point and shoot stuff back then "have speed build up to head into the deeper stuff" the f5 was the best trail sled I ever had the 6 was a close second as for why the 5 is my fav it has to do with how much lighter it felt getting in and out of the corners.....I am now on a M8 as for trails I do very little!!!if I was you I would hold my money and look for a crossover 600 or bigger maybe a good 700!!! you have a big enuff budget that will alow you to shop a little more and find what you "need" cross over is the way i would go........the f5 was a great sled and for the trail you can not go wrong....


New member
as big a guy as you are...I personally would look for something bigger then a 500...I'm 6'1 205lbs and ride a 05's plenty fast for me...but like someone else mentioned...if you get in any deep snow...your weight and that 500 arent gonna cut it...just my 2 cents...